chapter three

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VALERIE WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF YET another make-out session when she sensed her brother's presence coming to her room.

"Soul." She pulled away from the kiss, putting his. zip up jacket on quickly.

Mike unpursed his lips and shot her an offended look. "Did you just call me your brothers name?"

"No dumb ass." She scoffed. "Soul's coming."

The couple both grabbed some random magazine to pretend like they were previously reading it.

Like expected, her brother burst into her room with an unamused expression on his face. He definitely wasn't buying it.

"Yes, soul?" Valerie looked up from the paper.

Soul grabbed the rolling chair from her vanity and pushed it in front of her bed to sit down.

"We need to talk." He spoke in a serious tone.

Mike leaned over to his girlfriend to whisper, "Does your brother always have that vein on his head when he's mad?"

She giggled at his question and whispered back a yes.


Both of them flinched at his loud voice, dropping their smiles completely.

"This is serious!"

Mike tried his best to keep a straight face but this situation was far to humorous not to laugh.

"Uh oh." He grinned. "I think we're in trouble."

Again Valerie chuckled, putting her hand over her mouth to prevent herself to burst out into laughter.

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