chapter eleven

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"EL IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH, DID YOU DO THAT BACK THERE? YOU saved Mikes life!" Valerie blurted out embracing her into a tight hug. Eleven hugged back with a big smile

"I'm sorry about yesterday I wasn't in control." Valerie apologized pulling away from the hug.

"Me too... i'm sorry too."

El flickered her eyes too her hand, intertwining then after a second, a stinging shooting threw both of their hands.

"Ouch, what the heck?" The nueve-girl snatched her hand back.

"You're different... like me."


VALERIE DIDN'T BELIEVE SHE WAS THE SAME AS EL IT JUST didn't add up, why now? How come she never noticed that she had superpowers.


Valerie snapped her head to Mike, raising her eyebrows.

"Are you okay? You've just been super quiet and you're never quiet." He cracked a sheepish smile.

"Not that you like talk a lot or something, I-I love when you talk and um... yeah."

Valerie giggled at his words, a smile pulling up on her lips. He always made her feel happy at the hardest times.

"I'm fine... I'm just confused. Me a mage? It doesn't make sense." She sighed.

"And it will, after we find the gate and find will i'll help you get all the answers you need." He promised, sticking his pinky out.

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