chapter eleven

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THEY HAD CAME UP WITH A PLAN TO TRY AND STOP THE MIND FLAYER. They would have to awake Will and Valerie to figure out what they knew.

"It's too risky to have them together. We have to separate them." Hopper told.

"I know a place." Soylano suggested.

"Hell no. I don't even know you, no way you're going alone with my sister." Steve immediately denied.

He rolled his eyes, tossing the knife in his hand with boredom. "For the hundredth time I have no intention of hurting Veronica."

"Valerie!" Mike corrected. "See he doesn't even know her name! We're just supposed to let her go with a stranger!"

"No one said we're letting him take her."

"Alright then, when you guys wake her up and she kicks your asses with her mind, i'll be deep in my slumber dreaming about kittens." Soul leaned against the wall.

He pretended to snore while they discussed rather to trust him not. Majority voted no of course but there was no other choice.

"Fine. But you're taking Wheeler with you." Hopper informed.

"Ugh anybody but Wheels. I'll even take the bitchy red-head- wait no take that back her brothers a racist maniac." Soul took his car keys out his pocket.

"Shut up."


"CAREFUL!" MIKE SCOLDED AS HE PLACED HIS GIRLFRIEND ON a wooden chair that was inside of some abandoned building.

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