chapter one

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𝐦𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐱

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𝐦𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐱

"HEY GUYS, SORRY I COULDN'T MAKE IT TO THE ARCADE, MY DAD NEEDED my help." Valerie Nueve lied through her teeth as she sat down in her seat.

Mike looked up at her with sparkling eyes, she looked beautiful in his opinion, she was wearing a pink button up sweater with slightly oversized jeans.

"Mike! Did you hear me?"

Mike snapped out his gaze and hummed.

The nueve-girl giggled softly, "I said, i'm sorry i couldn't make it to the arcade, did i miss anything?"

Mike shook his head although she did miss when something with Will, but since he didn't want anyone to know, he kept quiet.

"All right. Hold up. You don't get away that easy." Mr. Clark interrupted, his eyes glued to a red-head girl standing awkwardly in front of the class.

Valerie squinted her eyes at her, she was really pretty and she must've though the same because she looked right back at her.

She broke eye contact quickly and glanced at the floor.

"Come on up. Don't be shy. Dustin, drum roll." Mr. Clarke announced. Dustin sighed before beating on the desk to mimic the instrument.

The new-girl looked overwhelmed with embarrassment... who wouldn't be.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us
on our curiosity voyage, Maxine." He introduced.

Max was quickly to correct him, "It's max."


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