chapter four

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"WILL!" VALERIE GASPED RUSHING OVER TO THE BYERS-BOY WHO was shivered up in a corner of a house.

Mike ran from behind her and crouched down to assist him. "Will, what's wrong?" He asked him, his eyes narrowing around frantically to see if he was hurt which he wasn't thankfully.

Will didn't reply, he couldn't with his heavy breathing getting in the way.

Valerie placed his hand on top of his that were freezing. "Why're you so cold?"

He just stared at her with big-traumatic eyes.

"Mike, help me, we have to get him home." She flickered her eyes to him.

Mike nodded his head and helped her pick Will up as the rest of them ran to the scene.

"Is he okay?" Lucas asked them but they didn't have an answer themselves.

"I don't know we're just gonna take him home." Valerie informed.

The boys tried to come along but Mike cut them off. "I got him."

Valerie wanted to so badly scold him for his attitude but now wasn't the time. They walked over to Wills house, sitting on the couch as he told them about what happened.

"It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. And it was coming for me." He explained, the fear radiating off of him was obvious to the girl.

Memories of the dreams she was having clouded her mind, maybe her suspicions were right, maybe they weren't just dreams.

"Is this all real? Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?" Mike wondered.

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