chapter two

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VALERIE'S OBVIOUS LOST IN WEIGHT WAS THE BIGGEST CONVERSATION in the middle school. There was multiple rumors that she discovered a eating disorder or that she purged everyday.

Either way it wasn't healthy to go from 120 to 100 pounds in less than a month.

Not even her best friends knew how it happened and because she was sensitive on the topic they never brought it up.

"Hey." Valerie smiled, putting her tray down while sitting beside Mike and the rest of her friends who were silently eating their lunch.

It felt like they were ignoring her because they were.

"So are you guys just not gonna talk to me?" She asked them.

Lucas looked to Dustin who looked to Mike and Will, all deciding not to say a word to her.

"Okay well, can you tell me i'm being ignored?"

"I think it's because you were hanging out with Mad Max instead of us, it feels like we're second choice." Will spoke up, a soft expression on his face to show her he wasn't upset.

Valerie knew he was gonna be the one to talk to her because he was the fairest in the group, he never took sides.

"That's a lie, you guys are just jealous." The nueve-girl scoffed.

When she was ignored again she decided to just leave, locking herself in a bathroom stall.

At the moment she didn't care how dirty the floor was, her body fell onto it; her knees in front of her as loud cries left her mouth.

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