chapter eight

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"TWENTY MORE SECONDS!" MIKE SHOUTED OUT WHILE watching the timer on the walkman closely as Steve made sure his sister didn't start floating.

She'd been in the trance for forty seconds but to her it felt like an hour. Her body was still twitching and her eyes still completely white.

"Hurry the hell up you piece of shit!" The wheeler boy groaned, his hand shaking rapidly as the timer got closer to zero.

10 seconds.

Nine and Eleven had a plan they came up with, with the man, now they just had to follow it.

"We feel dizzy." Eleven lied to some random man who was watching after them. Nine lowered her eyes a little to play the act off better.

"Dizzy?" He repeated confusedly.

They both nodded their head in sync, "Yes. And the light. The light is hurting my head." Nine helped out.

He waited a second before sighing.

Step one was complete, now they were walking to the nurse's office with their hands intertwined for comfort.

When the guy was distracted enough Nine walked in front of him, flashing her red eyes. Thankfully it worked as planned and his eyes shared the same color as hers.

Once she completed step two, which was making him imagine they were still behind them, they walked to step three.

The man was waiting for them in a room, kneeling down by a pipe.

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