chapter four

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"RALPH MACCHIO IS SO HOT." VALERIE sighed, gawking at the magazine that El was staring at for a long time also.

"Macchio?" El repeated his last name confusedly.

"Yeah." Max walked over to them. "He's the karate kid. Hai- yah!"

The two mages turned to each other and laughed at her impression of karate.

"I bet he's an amazing kisser too."

Valerie nodded in agreement, looking up from the picture to see both girls staring at her with grins.

"What?" She chuckled awkwardly.

"Is mike a good kisser?" Max asked.

Kissing was the only think they ever did, so of course it was good. But she didn't really have anything to compare it too.

"I don't know." She answered sheepishly. "He's my only boyfriend."

"Ex boyfriend."

She completely forgot about that. It was gonna be weird no longer having Mike as her boyfriend, he was the love of her life.

At least she thought he was.

Max noticed the saddened expression on her face and grabbed her hand. "Hey, don't worry about it. Okay?"

"He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness. I guarantee you, him and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now." She assured.

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