chapter thirteen

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JONATHAN AND NANCY HAD LEFT AS WELL LEAVING the troubled kids by themselves. Dustin and Lucas left to find some food to help 'recharge' Eleven which Valerie thought was offensive because she wasn't a battery.

"Mike I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin announced.

"Okay!" He yelled back before turning to Valerie who was talking to El.

"Are you feeling any better?" Valerie asked.

Eleven nodded her head, watching Mike leave to the cafeteria. "What's "putting"?"

The nueve-girl giggled under her breathe, she found it adorable how clueless she was.

"It's this really good snack it's kinda like goo, when this is all over we can eat anything you want."


A bright light filled the empty space making Valerie quickly sit up.

"I'll be right back, stay here." She informed, rushing over to open the gym door. Eleven did as told and waited for her to come back inside, when she did her eyes were widened with fear.

"They found us! The bad men are here!" Valerie screamed to all her friends who stopped eating their pudding.

"How did they find us?" Lucas wondered.

She grabbed onto the buzz-cut girls wrist to help her hurry up and hide with them. "I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym!"

Suddenly the agents appeared in from of them with flashing light, they all freaked out and turned the opposite way back up the stairs.

"Go, go! Go left!" Mike instructed while pushing Valerie in front of him.

They went through another hallway but their was more agents so they ended up turning around. Just to their luck they got trapped, a blonde hair lady pulled out a gun, her men behind them.

"Shit! Val get back!" Mike hollered, turning his head around.

Valerie ignored him and slowly attached Eleven's hand with hers both girl glared the lady. The flashlights started to flicker, a red aura glowing in her eyes.

She once again saw the chaos of energy around her hand, she focused on moving it. Surprisingly it worked, she was about to make all of their guns drop with the energy.

As she was doing this Eleven made their bodies shake, blood spilling from their eyes and seconds later their lifeless bodies dropped to the floor.

"El!" Valerie gasped rushing over to her unconscious body. The nueve-girl repeated her name but she wasn't responding. "She's just drained." Dustin claimed. Valerie shook her head, "No, no, no, she won't wake up. El! El!" She screamed.

"She's barely breathing." Mike realized, checking her weak pulse. Valerie continued to shake her. "We gotta go." Lucas reminded placing his hand on his friends shoulder. A man with all white hair walked up to the kids, multiple men behind him. "Leave her. Step away from the child." He demanded. Valerie sat up from the floor, making her eyes turn red. "No." She denied.

"You want her, you have to kill us first!" Mike agreed, his best friend backing him up. Valerie was about to make another energy of chaos but someone grabbed her body. "Get off of me! Leave her alone you piece of shit!" Valerie exclaimed not even noticing she swore because of her fear that something bad was going to happen to Eleven. The man picked her up, his hand on her face. "Papa?" She asked.

"Yes, yes, it's your papa." Dr. Brenner announced. Eleven eyes flickered to her friend who were struggling to get out the mens hold, she turned back to the evil men whimpering sadly. "Shh, shh, you're sick. You're sick, but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home, where I can make you well again. Where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt." He told.

"You're not taking her anywhere! Let her go before I kill you myself!" Valerie threatened with gritted teeth. Eleven eyes flickered to her, tiredness glossing in her eyes. "Val. Val. Val." She cried out desperately. Valerie tried again to wiggle out the men hold but it didn't work. The lights above them started to flicker gaining everyone's attention. "Blood." Mike spoke up. "What?" Lucas asked with fear.

"Blood." The wheeler-boy repeated. Valerie looked around the hallway were dead bodies were everywhere with blood beside them. When she saw the monster Barbra was bleeding and she was having nose bleeds. The wall with an animal print painted on started to crack open, "The Demogorgon!" Valerie shouted as soon as the monster flew out, its mouth opening up like a blooming flower.

When the agents let go the middle-schoolers quickly went to pick up eleven and cleared it. "Come on, come on!" Mike instructed, connecting his hand with the brunette as they ran away from the gun shots and monster. They all finally found a classroom to hide in, Dustin carried Eleven to a counter so she could rest. "Just hold on a little longer, okay?" Valerie begged, squeezing her hand.

"He's gone. The bad man's gone. We'll be home soon, and mikes mom... she'll get you your own bed.
You can eat as many Eggos as you want.
And we can have a girl night." Valerie told, a sad smile on her face. Eleven sniffled her nose, "Promise?" She asked. The nueve-girl nodded her head with teary eyes. "I promise." She replied.

The sound of the demogorgan came closer than before, everyone but El and Val shrieked and backed away from the door. The gunshots stopped, complete silence in the school. "Is... Is it dead?" Dustin stammered. Answering his question, the monster broke down the door causing everyone to freak out even more. "Get the wrist rocket! Get the wrist rocket now!" The henderson-boy demanded.

Lucas shrugged off his jacket, grabbing the weapon. "Get the rocks, get the rocks, get the rocks!" Mike repeated. Valerie grabbed the rocks out the backpack, passing one to the sinclair-boy who launched it but completely missed. "Come on!" Valerie sighed, passing him another one. When he missed again she knew she had to do something.

"Seriously! Get back!" The brunette warned stepping in front of the boys, she closed her eyes and moved her hand back an red energy instantly appearing. "Holy shit..." Dustin trailed off almost tripping of nothing. Valerie threw the energy at the monster making it fly back against the board, she held the hold knowing if she let go it would escape.

Eleven sat up from the table, walking passed everyone. "El no I got this!" Valerie proclaimed but she got ignored. The buzz-cut girl threw her back with her hand, making her fall into Mike's arm. El got control of the demogorgan with her mind, it was screeching with pain the closer she got to it.

"Goodbye Val."

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