chapter nine

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"Why won't she stop crying?" A mother spoke in a panicked tone, rocking her hysterically sobbing baby.

"I don't know she does this every time your stupid clock rings!" Soylano covered his ears with his hands.

He shut his eyes trying to block out the ear piercing sound.

"It's okay Valeries, mommies here, shhh." She cooed but it didn't work.

Young Valerie cried even harder, her throat hurting from throwing such a tantrum.

The woman huffed out- placing her back in the carriage.

"That's it!" She stormed to the phone. "I'm calling the adoption center and putting her back up!"

"No mom! You can't!" Soylano shot up from the couch.

"I can so, watch me-

Before she could even dial the number the house phone flew out of her hand and into the wall.

Both of them froze; slowly moving their eyes to the baby who finally stopped crying.


THIS PAST WEEK HAS BEEN IMPOSSIBLE for Valerie, still counting she had a total of thirteen nosebleed in just two days. Something was coming. But she didn't wanna admit it.

So she pretended, like the stupid tween she was.

"Valerie!" Max smiled, embracing the girl in a tight hug as she walked inside of her house.

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