chapter four

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AFTER EXPLAINING WHAT A FRIEND IS TO THE CLUELESS GIRL, Mike went upstairs to get them something to eat while Val stayed with Eleven just because.

"Slow down, Mike that's disgusting." Nancy Wheeler complained, taring at her little-brother with disgust.

Mike glared her "Do a lot of studying last night?"

He knew for a fact that she was making out with Valerie's adoptive brother, Steve Harrington.

"Yeah, actually, I did." Nancy lied.

Karen Wheeler was glancing between her kids, once again being left out of the mix. All she wanted was for her kids to talk to her.

"What was your test on again? Human anatomy?" The wheeler-boy asked, seeing his sister wide her eyes.

Karen furrowed her eyebrows. "Hey, what's going on?


Mike hurried back to his basement with two egos in his hand, he walked down the stairs and heard Valerie explaining to El what his supercomm was.

"I brought you guys breakfast."

They both thanked him before eating the dry waffle.

"So hey, this is gonna sound a little weird, but I just need you to go out there. Then go to the front door and ring the doorbell. My mom will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and that you need help.
But whatever you do, you can't tell her about last night or that you know me. Understand?" Mike explained.

Eleven blinked at him for a moment, still eating her ego as she said "No."

"No?" Valerie repeated confusedly, turning to Mike who shrugged his shoulders, he was just as confused as she was.

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