chapter ten

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"HE'S HERE I CAN SENSE HIS FEAR." VALERIE INFORMED TO HER FRIENDS AS THEY walked through Skull rock, finding Eddie Munson.

Vecna took another victim yesterday, he was one of Lucas's basketball friends and unfortunately Eddie witnessed it again.

Like she and Steve argued, they in fact went the correct way and found him.

"Can't admit you're wrong, you butthead."

Valerie giggled at her brothers words, wrapping her arms around Eddie tighty.

"I concur You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead." He hugged her back, pulling away after a couple of seconds.

"I thought you were dead you asshole, don't ever scare me like that." She sighed with relief.

Eddie had been through far too much these couple of days it was a miracle he managed to survive.

"Same to you mini harrington, I heard big-bad Vecna got you, you alright?" He looked down at her with concern but per usual she just nodded her head and shrugged it off.

"Thanks to Val we found you because someone thought Skull rock was the other way." Steve targeted Dustin who rolled his eyes irritably.

"How'd Valerie help she's pretty useless, no offense." Eddie side eyed her.

Valerie scoffed, her chaos magic swarmed around her hand and she picked up a rock to throw it at him.

The Munson-boy blocked it with his eyes widened. "Your powers. Holy shit. Wow, you guys weren't lying."

"I'm not dangerous, see."

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