Volume 10: Girl of the Morning Dew

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(October 24, 2024, Floor 55: Grandzam)

Heathcliff: I understand the situation. I'll explain it to the rest of the guild members.

Asuna: there's that one, and we're also requesting a temporary leave from the guild.

Heathcliff: why is that?

Kirito: with the situation we need some time alone.

Yami: to recollect our thoughts and let go of our stress.

Heathcliff: very well you three.

They smiled but he gave them a warning.

Heathcliff: however, you'll return to the battlefield before long.

Yami: oh don't worry we'll be back faster than killing the final boss.

(October 25, 2024, Floor 22)

They were in a large house as Asuna walked to the porch and was surprised.

Asuna: what an amazing view!!

Yami, Kirito, Sachi, Yuna, Lisbeth, and Silica all joined in.

Kirito: yeah it's amazing.

Sachi: yeah so peaceful.

Lisbeth. from the stress and we can relax.

Yuna: taking a break from the battles.

Silica: so relaxing.

Asuna: yeah we can rest now.

Yami: yep, even through we're low on money but we can live in peace here.

Rings were on their index fingers as they looked at Yami who was looking at the horizon.

Sachi: what's wrong?

Yami: it's been a long time since we've met and I'm happy that we've met. My goal is now to protect everyone including you.

Silica: Yami....thank you...

In the house Asuna and Yami were in a large bed together. The others left to give them space and doing some quest to level up.

Asuna: Normally he's kind, a joker and brazen but then he can be serious, never giving up and protective sometimes a bit scary but we're able to get used to it. Wait is he older than me? But he hasn't aged at all!! He's about a year older than me but he didn't age....strange.

She gently moves her hand on his cheek as he slept. She hugs him.

Asuna: we love you, I love you. Let's be together forever okay?

(Meanwhile in Yami's mind)

Yami: what's where am I?

He looks around to see that he's in Chicago but the trees were sakura trees. He looks around to see a woman wearing a robe and she was standing on the road, cars were there but they're not turned on at all and nobody were in the cars.

Yami: who are you woman?

Woman: I'm heart broken that you don't remember me, Yami.

Yami: how do you know my name? Who are you?

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