Volume 25: The World Seed

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After Yami successfully to saved Asuna from
Alfheim Online, he promises to meet Asuna in
her room at the hospital. Right now, Yami was riding his car with Kazuto, Suguha and Yui in the car with him and they're on their way to the hospital where Asuna at.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the
hospital and Yami then parked his car at the parking near the entrance of the hospital.

Yami: Here we are, you guys. Let's go.

They all nodded and the four of them walk into the hospital but then Yami senses a dark aura hiding, so he's decided to let them go into the hospital first.

Yami: Kazuto, Suguha, and Yui can you go inside first. I got something to do.

They nodded and walk into the hospital. As
Yami look over and saw that they have safely
entered the hospital, he turns to look behind
a van and smirks.

Yami: You can come out now, Sugou.

A few seconds later, Sugou comes out from
behind the van with a bloodshot eye and vein
sticking out all around it and he had a crazy
look on his face.

A few seconds later, Sugou comes out frombehind the van with a bloodshot eye and veinsticking out all around it and he had a crazylook on his face

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Sugou: As expected of you to notice me. That
was quite cruel of you, Yami. I can still
feel the pain.

Yami then narrowed his eyes looked at Sugou but he quickly grins.

Yami: you never learn to give up do you? You got guts I like that but you're still a freakbag. You lost. You look like you taken some drugs, man.

Sugou: Lost? What do you mean? There are
countless corporations that would take me.
Yes, once my research is complete, I can
become a true king... The god of this world.

Yami: you're no king, no god, you're just another wanna be god and a criminal.

Sugou: But before that... I'll finish what I
started and get rid of you once and for all!! And I'll Asuna for myself!!

He then quickly pulled a knife from behind
him and aim at Yami. Sugou then went to stab
Yami with his knife but Yami notice this and
about to grab Sugou's wrist but Sugou then
changes his aim at his face.

Yami then moves his head to the back and
Sugou uses this chance to throw an attack to
stab Yami but Yami quickly sees this and grabs
the knife with his hand, as it bleeding.

Yami: Just give up. You're already lost.

Sugou: No, no, no!!!

Sugou then went to pull the knife arm Yami's
grip as Yami's palm quickly heals up. Sugou tries to move the knife but it's too tight so he uses his free arm and grabs the snow from the ground and throws it at Yami's face but he taken the hit and did a roundhouse kick.

Yami: you deserved nothing but despair.

He grabs Sugou's head and slams it to am unluckily person's car creating a large dent.

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