Volume 62: Ruler and Mediator

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Cardinal: under the rule of the absolute Administrator, this world entered a long period of peace and idleness. But after 70 years when Quinella became Administrator.

Cardinal: she became aware that she had undergone some change. Her soul's capacity for preserving her memories has reached it's limit.

Cardinal: this only drove her to come ip with yet another demonic solution.

Quinella: I appreciate your coming here.

It shows a young Cardinal as Quinella told her to come closer.

Quinella: Now this way. *mind* If I can copy my own Fluctlight's thoughts and memories by overwriting this child's Fluctlight...*normal talk* Close your eyes.

She closes her eyes as Quinella held her hand on the young child's head.

Cardinal: and so Administrator through this diabolical ceremony. The Synthesis Ritual, a secret technique signifying the fusing of soul and memory, finally succeeded in sizing control of another's Fluctlight. But that ended up being Administrator's-no, Quinella's mistake.

Yami: Mistake that she threw her old-self away. Giving the young girl equal authority making her a god too.

Cardinal: tell me what are the features of the Cardinal System?

Yami: to operate over an extended period of time without any adjustments or maintenance by humans. To achieve that, the Cardinal System has to core programs, a main and a sub core. While the main process performs balance controls the sub-process does an error-check of the main core.

Cardinal: that's right. It wasn't just the preservation of order Quinella had etched onto her own Fluctlight. Deep inside her soul, I had this thought as her sub-process..."I must correct this woman's errors."

Yami who closed his eyes to make sure the information is kept in.

Cardinal: I.... i steadfastly waited for that moment. For 70 long years!!

The young girl who's eyes were dead were now filled with life until her right eye has turned magenta.

Quinella who walked towards the young girl.

Quinella: and now, this child's Fluctlight is mine and we can be together my darling.

Cardinal: System Call.


Cardinal: Generate Luminous Element. Lightning Shape: Discharge!!

She raised her hand as lightning was heading straight towards Quinella.

Quinella: what!?

The attack hits her as Cardinal use the same spell.

Quinella: System Call!! Generate Umbra Element: Ball Shape!!

They use the attack and an small explosion as dust was around as both females jumped away. Quinella grabs a candle holder.

Quinella: System Call! Redefinition Object!!

The holder turns into a sword as Cardinal takes out a Magnifying glass which turns into a rod.

Quinella: System Call!! Change Field Attribution!!

Black lightning were striking the room as the room changed as the young child looks around.

Cardinal:*mind* Impossible. She made this a restricted area for System Commands?

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