Volume 44: Zekken

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After agreeing to meet everyone the for the next day, Asuna logged out of Alfheim Online along with her niece, Yui, and currently, Asuna looked at her niece sitting on the edge of the bed, shuddering underneath the bedsheets around her shoulders as it was cold.

Yui: aunty, it's so cold.

Asuna: I'm so sorry, Yui. I'll turn the air conditioner up a bit to warm it up.

Asuna turns to the air conditioner control and press the light switch, the lights came on, lighting up the room before Asuna turns up the temperature just by a slight movement of her finger sliding left over the adjusting button.
After that, Asuna stands up from the bed and addresses her niece.

Asuna: Since you're already bathed and you don't have to change out your clothes, you can warm up in the meantime, Yui.

Yui: 0-Okay, aunty.

Yui nodded cutely underneath the warm blanket before tugging the blanket closer to her body.

Asuna: It's a good thing we laid the blanket over ourselves before we FullDive, right?

She then went to her wardrobe that automatically flips open, revealing her clothes hanging over the length of the metal bar inside the wardrobe.

Asuna: After this, let's just hope the food remained warm for us. We don't want to eat cold ones now.

She said before glancing at her daughter nodding, causing her to stifle a small laugh.
Turning over to the selection of her clothing, Asuna smiled to herself before picking one dress.

(Opening time)

(3rd POV)

After changing, Asuna led Yui out the room and towards the dining room. Since they were on the second floor of the house, they climbed downstairs.

In the midst of climbing the stairs while holding onto her daughter's hand, Asuna glances at a familiar face at the front door.
When she and Yui climbed downstairs and stand at the base of the stairs, Asuna was been called out to the woman.

Asuna: good evening, Sada.

The woman turns around to see Asuna and
Yui smiling at her before bowing in appreciation.

Yui: Goodnight, Sada.

Asuna: Thanks for coming every day. Sorry to keep you here so late.

Asuna apologizes as the woman named Sada shakes her head.

Sada: Not at all, Asuna ojou-sama. This is my job.

Sada is a petite woman in her early 40's.
She has medium-long brown hair that is tied at her back, while two large forelocks part to the sides of her face. She also has brown eyes and a mole below her lip on the left side of her face.

 She also has brown eyes and a mole below her lip on the left side of her face

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