Volume 79: Rise Up and Fight!!

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Renly was uncontrollably shaking in the dark tent he decided to take refuge in.

Renly: Get up. you have to go back to your position.

He argued with himself before shaking his head.

Renly: No. Even if I were there, I'd only be in the way.

he closed his eyes thinking back to an old memory.

It was when the Administrator called him broken and put him in Deep Freeze, all because he couldn't draw upon the memory release of his divine weapons. The Double winged Blades, the story is that the blades were forged from two one-winged birds that combined to be able to fly helping each other.

Renly's eyes shot open when the memory of being deep freezed again.

Renly: It doesn't matter whether I exist or not.

He lowered his head even more accepting the fate he would also be a failure.

????: I thought I saw someone enter this tent, Tiese.

A voice startled the young knight and he feared they came looking for him.

????: Okay, let's check it really quick. We need to head back to our assigned posts.

Another voice responded to the voice. The flaps opened revealing two girls, one with bright red hair with red eyes, the other with short brown hair with bright blue eyes. They began looking around the tent starting near the front entrance and working toward the back of the tent. Renly, who was peeking around a corner pulled back creating some noise and putting the girls on guard.

????: Is someone there?

The first voice asked with the sound of putting her hand on a hilt of a weapon following her voice.

Before they could draw their weapons on him, Renly rasped,

Renly: I'm not an enemy. I apologize for startling you.

The two girls' attention was drawn to the symbol on his chest, the one that label him as an Integrity Knight.

????: S-Sir Knight!

The red-haired one quickly exclaimed, they took their hands off their weapons.

Them: Forgive our rudeness!

They bowed to the knight.

Renly: No, it's my fault for scaring you. And besides, I'm not...

His fingers covered the symbol on his chest.

Renly: an Integrity Knight anymore. I ran away. The unit that I was supposed to command must be in a panic now. I'm sure there have been some deaths, too. And yet, I can't bring myself to leave this place, so how can I can myself a knight?"

He bit his lip and finally looked up. He saw his own face reflected in the large red eyes of the red-haired girl.

The brown-haired girl stepped from behind the red-haired girl, her hand over her breastplate.

Ronie: We haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm primary Trainnee Ronie Arabel with the Supply Corps, and this is Primary Trainees Tiese Schtrinen.

She motioned toward the red-haired girl.

Just before Renly could return to his hiding spot, a crash was heard outside of the tent along with the smell of smoke.

Tiese: No way! They're here!"

Tiese exclaimed, dashing to the flap of the tent and peeking outside.

Tiese: There's smoke!!

Ronie Arabel stiffened.

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