Volume 16: Land of the Fairies

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Yami and Kazuto were walking in a alleyway and arrived at a cafe called Dicey Cafe.

Yami and Kazuto were walking in a alleyway and arrived at a cafe called Dicey Cafe

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They both walked in to hear a familiar voice.

????: Hey, you're here early.

Kazuto: As always, business is slow here.

????: shut up.

Yami: Andrew, my man. How's your wife doing?

Andrew: well you know she was happy that I'm free from the death game, I'll be taking a break of playing MMO's for a while

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Andrew: well you know she was happy that I'm free from the death game, I'll be taking a break of playing MMO's for a while. Also the place is busy at night.

Kazuto: so that picture...what's the deal with that?

Andrew: it's kind of a long story. But first check this out.

He slides them a copy of a video game.

Kazuto: a game?

Andrew: it's an MMO for the AmuSphere, a successor to the NerveGear system.

Yami: it's similar to SAO well to the skill and leveling system.

Kazuto: Alf Heim Online?

Andrew: it's pronounced "Alv-heim," supposedly. They say it means "Land of the Fairies."

Kazuto: Fairies?

Yami: can I order two number 9's?

(Forgot to say just image Yami in the openings)
Kazuto: Land of the Fairies? It's the laid-back kind then?

Andrew: no, not from what I hear. It's a hard-core skill system focusing on player skill. PKing is encouraged.

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