Volume 54: Ocean Turtle

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Everything happened in slow-motion for the orange-brownish chestnut hair girl named Yuuki Asuna and the black haired girl, Sachi as both can only helplessly watched their boyfriend's now fiancé/brother in law, Minamoto Kirito got stab with the syringe in the chest by one of the murderers behind the Death Gun's incident, Kanamoto Atsushi or famously known as Johhny Black, a survivor member of Laughing Coffin, an infamous Player Killing orange guild in Sword Art Online.

It's all began with Yami, Kirito, Sachi, Asuna, and Shino met at Dicey Cafe a few hours before the incident took place. As they discussing BoB and STL, Asuna noticed that it was nearly six o'clock, thus prompting the group to finish their conversation and leave the café.

Rejecting her boyfriend's offer, Shino departed from the cafe and make her way back to her apartment while Yami escort Asuna back to her house. When the four reached a small park near Asuna's house where they typically parted ways, the couple was approached by a man, who asked for directions to the station.

However, having realized that the man had been following them since they had left the cafe, Yami and Kirito confronted the man who later identifies himself as Johnny Black or known by his real name, Kanamoto Atsushi.

Prioritize Asuna's safety, Kirito pushed Asuna out of the way when he saw Atsushi produced a syringe filled with succinylcholine from within his jacket and rushed at them as he did the same at the man with the umbrella in his right hand.

Asuna's eyes widen in shock when she saw Atsushi injected Kirito with the drug by pressing the needle-less injector against his shoulder, while the black-haired boy stabbed the tip of his umbrella deep into Atsushi's thigh. Both of them then lurched over and toppled onto the street, fainted.

 Both of them then lurched over and toppled onto the street, fainted

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Asuna: Kirito!!

Immediately, she rushed to her brother in law's side, and seeing Kirito in a motionless state, Sachi hurriedly called an ambulance, which promptly arrived on the scene. The paramedics attempted using atropine to counter the effects of the succinylcholine; however, the black-haired boy soon entered a state of cardiac arrest.

She sees Yami's eye as it was filled with bloodlust.

Time Skip, Location: Setagaya General Hospital

Having accompanied her injured boyfriend to the Setagaya General Hospital for treatment following the attack, Asuna, Sachi, Yami waited in front of the operating room for Kirito surgery to be complete.

After calling 911, Johnny Black was then arrested and taken into custody while Yami went towards the police station. Kirito was rushed to the hospital. Due to the injection, Kirito went into Cardiac arrest and his heart had stopped.

Just as Asuna was sat down on a bench next to the operation room, her parent-in-law, Minamoto Raikou, her comrade, Kirigaya Suguha, and her adopted niece, Minamoto Yui and sister in law Minamoto Sachi came running in from the corner and saw her, clenching her hands tightly worried of Kirito's safety.

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