Volume 38: New Step

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After a few seconds, the lights were turned off. Everyone couldn't see as the actual Yami got out of the portal whole the clone vanished. The lights turned back on.

When he looked around, he saw the nurse appointed to guard him and Kazuto. Aki, and three of his girlfriends. Sachi, Asuna, and Suguha along with his adopted daughter, Yui there. As soon as he awake, they immediately hugged him with a bit of tear in their eyes.

Sachi, Asuna and Suguha: Yami!!

Yui: Papa!

Yami, then hugged them back with a smile.

Yami: Hey, everyone. What are you doing here?

Then they pulled away from hugged as Sachi, Asuna and Suguha looked at him with a worried and angry look.

Asuna: What else? Of course, we worried about you, you big idiot!

Suguha: Why you didn't tell us that Laughing Coffin was involved? If we know, we would help you!!

Sachi: we could've helped you deal with them!!

Yami: I would be risking you girls in the crossfire even if you deal Death Gun you would be dealing my older brother Adam who is much more stronger than Death Gun by miles.

They look at him and smile at his protective side towards them.

Yui: Of course, we're not mad at you, Papa.
We just worried about you.*looks at readers* stop calling me that you weirdos!!

Yami smile and patted her daughter, Yui on the head as she smiles, misses her father's hand on her head.

Yami: Alright. I'll tell you all anything next time. Oh how's Kazuto?

Kazuto: yeah I'm fine, Yami.

He then remembers Sinon and worries about her safety. Then he remembers the event.

Yami: shit!! That bastard!!

After getting his barings back, he dresses into his red coat, he then looked at Aki.

Yami: Aki contract Kikuoka and tell him to send law enforcement to this location.

Aki: Okay. But, why?

Yami: Please, I don't have time! Just do it!

Yami then started to head for the door.

Asuna: Where are you going, Yami?!

Yami: sorry!! Can't explain now!!

Yami then left the room and headed downstairs and blasted towards the sky. He then started to fly head straight toward Shino's apartment according to her.

Yami: Sinon... I know you told me not to come. I have to deal with him and not have the timeline fucked up!!

He said in his mind as he can't help but still feeling unsure of Sinon's safety as he continued to fly through the streets. Each second is precious.

After a few minutes of flying, Yami finally reached Shino's address and it was an apartment.

Yami: Look like this is the place.

Yami then landed on the ground and started to head to Shino's apartment.

Yami: Where? Where is it?

As Yami was looking for Shino's room number, he then heard a girl scream coming from the door down at the end and his eyes widened.

Yami: Shino!

Yami then ran to the door where he heard the screaming and as he got closer, he heard someone screaming Shino's last name and when he opened the door, he saw a boy on top of Shino, pinning her down. Without a second thought, Yami ran up and kneed him in the

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