Volume 20: General of the Blazing Flame

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Both of them closed their eyes as Kitsune and the clone with past them.

Kitsunes: there's the exit!!

They opened their eyes as the light from the outside went bright. Then they jumped out of the cave. Kitsune summons out his wings, Kirito and Leafa did the same as the clone vanished. They look back to the monsters falling off.

Leafa: that took years off my life!!

Kitsune: But it saved time, right?

Leafa: honestly-huh?

They looked up to see that they're near the World Tree but they were below it.

Kirito: where will the meeting be taking place, Leafa?

Leafa: right. Let's see...

She opens up her menu and opens the map.

Leafa: To the northwest, inside that mountain.

Kirito: how many minutes do we have left?

Kitsune: twenty minutes, come on!!

Then they blasted towards the Northwest.

(ALFheim, Neutral Territory, Butterfly Valley)

Kirito: I don't know if we'll make it there before the Salamanders.

Leafa: yeah. Even if we can warn then, we'll barely have time to get the leaders out, or all die together in battle.

Yui: Players detected. A group about 68 players up ahead. It's probably the Salamander attack force.

They look down to see them in groups.

Yui: fourteen more up ahead there. Mostly likely the Sylph and Cait Sith diplomats. Fifty seconds until they make contact.

Kitsune: everyone grab my shoulders.

Leafa: why?

Kitsune: just do it!!

They did as Kitsune puts his fingers to his force, they teleported to the meeting as Salamanders were going to arrive but they arrived quicker.

Kitsune: we're finally here!! Everyone, sheathe your swords!!

Kirito: come! Raise your blades!!

Random Player: who are those two?

Sakuya: Leafa, what are you doing here?

Leafa: It's not easy to explain. But the one thing I can say about this is that our fates depends on those two.

Sakuya: what's going on?

Kitsune: we want to talk to your commander!!

The commander shows up as Kitsune and Kirito flew up towards him.

Commander: what's a Spriggan and this person doing here? I'll kill you both however your answer, but in honor of your bravery, I'll here you out.

Kirito: My name is Kirito, an ambassador for the Spriggan-Undine alliance. Since you're attacking this place, I assume you desire a full scale war with our four races.

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