Volume 94: Revealing Truth

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(This is gonna be a short one because I just want to end it)
(Rinko's POV)
It's been almost a month since the whole Underworld incident. A lot of things have happened since then, like Yami, Kirito, Asuna and Sachi all falling into a coma or something because of staying in the Underworld for two hundred years. I've been kept in the loop by some technician named Takeru Higa after he learned what happened in the Underworld, and I have to say I'm grateful for that.

Right now a press conference for the unveiling of the first two true artificial intelligence is happening, Eugeo and Alice. Technically, I'm there since they were just down below me as I was on top of the building they were doing it under.

Rinko: And I would like to introduce you...

I looked down at my phone which showed a scientist with green hair in a blue suit.

Rinko; Alice, Edith and Eugeo!

She motioned off camera and I had to wait until they both got in view to see how they looked.

Then I saw them, a girl and a boy, both of which were in navy blue blazers. The girl had long, shining golden hair. Skin whiter than snow. Long legs and a slender build. The boy had short, flaxen hair, emerald eyes and a slender build like the girl but a bit bigger than her. The girl had a grayish ponytail, skin was white, same long legs and a slender build with her eyes being red.

The three stared down at the reporters in silence. Their looks were not quite Western and not quite Eastern. The crowd steadily began to fall silent.

The corners of their mouths curled up into a suggestion of a smile, the girl and boy both performed something I had seen countless times in the Underworld. They made a soft fist with their right hand, then touched it level to their left breast. Their left hand hung down and brushed their sides, as though resting atop the hilt of an invisible sword.

Then returned to a neutral posture, the girl looked over at the boy who made a motion for her to talk. The girl turned forward, swept the hair off her shoulders, and over her back, and parted her light pink lips. A clear, clean voice with a hint of sweetness travelled over the speakers of my phone.

Alice: It's a pleasure to meet you, people of the real world. My name is Alice. Alice Synthesis Thirty.

Next was the boy who also spoke in a clear, clean voice with a hint of warmness on the surface.

Eugeo: It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Eugeo.

Finally the grayish hair girl spoke.

Edith: nice to meet you all, my name is Edith Synthesis Ten

The three of them were wearing the school uniforms of the survivor school for SAO survivors since Alice had requested it. Eugeo wasn't against it since he usually wore an all-blue outfit and it's sorta similar to that so I guess I'm not surprised he is fine with it. Edith just went along with Alice.

Honestly, the recreation was beyond comprehensible since the both of them looked exactly as they did in the Underworld, just without the swords at their sides. Though, I haven't seen them since we got out of the Underworld or in Alice's case, just before the whole battle of the Underworld began.

I don't know the reason why I avoided everyone from the Underworld who I fought alongside, but I could guess it had to do with them knowing my true identity from Aincrad. That's pathetic of me since I only kept in contact with Rath since they were my only connection to Yami's body, hoping he would wake up. Speaking of which I should pay Higa a visit in Roppongi to check up on them.

Rinko: Now, while this might seem a bit exceptional, I would like to start with a question and answer demonstration.

The voice of the scientist came from the earphones I just plugged in while I shoved my phone into my pocket.

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