Volune 88: Code 871

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Yanai: D-don't move!

Yanai let out a high-pitched wail as he pointed a gun at Higa.

Higa: Mr. Yanai, why are you doing this?

Higa asked, shocked by his betrayal.

Yanai: L-Listen, you've got a wrong idea, treating me like a traitor.

Higa tensed as he had no idea what he was saying.

Yanai: I'm just following through with my goal. I'm going to carry on the boss' legacy. That's why I infiltrated Rath!"

Higa: Th-The Boss' legacy? Who are you talking about?"

Yanai's face then grew a cruel smile,

Yanai: Someone you know really well! It's Mr. Sugou!

Higa gasped at the familiar name that worked alongside him at the university where he learned everything.

Yanai: Carry on his legacy? But he's not even dead!
Yanai just started chuckling and said,

Yanai: He might as well be! He'll be locked up for at least ten years. It was a close call for me, too. But I blamed it all on my coworker and managed to get away.

Higa instantly knew what this meant and quietly whispered,

Higa: Then you were involved in Sugou's human Experiments, too?

Yanai: I wasn't just involved! I was the one who gathered the data for it. That was fun. You know, like the virtual tentacle play.

He paused, remembering the demon that logged him out, he shook his head and continued.

Yanai: Well, my current life might be coming to an end, but the line he connected is still alive. So I have to make use of it, otherwise, he'll be upset, right?"

Higa: Line? To where?"

Yanai grinned and answered Higa.

Yanai: The American National Security Agency.

Higa gasped and quickly said,

Higa: You're the one who's been leaking information about Project Aliczation to the Americans!"

Yanai: If the Americans down below succeed in retrieving Alice, there'll be a big bonus and a position for me overseas! What is it, if not the American success story Mr. Sugou dreamed of?

Yanai said with a smile on his face still there.

Higa: If we don't hurry, then Y/n and Kirito will... Please Notice, Ms. Rinko!

The laptop nearly slipped out of his hand, and he hastily readjusted his grip on it.

Yanai: D-don't move!!

Screamed Yanai, pointing the gun at the side of the duct and pulling the trigger. There was a yellow flash of light as well as a powerful burst of air displacement that shook Higa's eardrums.

Sparks burst against the metal wall- and a sharp shock bit Higa's right shoulder.

Yanai: Huh?"

Yanai sounded surprised.

Sinon was currently gasping for air, her throat, she felt revulsion and fear, but even those emotions were sucked out of her mind, released by nothing but gray futility. The non-existent hands or something like it, disappeared from Sinon's neck allowing her to breathe once again.

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