Volume 35: What is means to be strong

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Right now, Sinon laying her head on Kitsune lap as they tell each other stories about their past. After hearing that Kitsune and Kirito had killed people in Sword Art Online, Sinon then asks him.

Sinon: Then Death Gun was a member of that
guild you fought, Laughing Coffin?

Kitsune: Yeah. He has to be one of the ones
who survived and was imprisoned. So....I
need to end this...here...once and for all....in
this world.

Sinon then got up and grabbed Kitsune shoulder and look into his pink/yellow eyes

Sinon: Kitsune, tell me one thing. Did you
ever regret killing all those people? How did
you keep them from controlling your life?
How are you able to become strong?

Kitsune looks at Sinon's eyes and sees that
she was determined at this. Kitsune then shakes his head.

Kitsune: I'm just your average 18-year-old immortal human who also has multiple girlfriends who all have varying sizes of tits, having boyfriends and a boyfriend who avatar is a trap. I also have a daughter, I know how to kill people and I've murdered multiple people I was also trapped in a VRMMO for almost 2 years yep just you average 18 year old immortal human. Also I lost virginity to four girls and one of them is my mom.

Kirito: what?

Sinon: what?

Kitsune: what? It's kinda hard to give an answer for that question. No I haven't regret killing them because they couldn't be redeemed at all. I'm that strong for reasons well I fear that my emotions will get the best of me.

Sinon: T-Then.... Then, what do I do?

Kitsune then put his hand on top of Sinon's
head and lightly stroke her head which made Kirito a bit jealous.

Kitsune: But, Sinon... I think that necessary.
I needed to accept what killing them meant,
the weight, and to keep thinking. A person that told this orange haired person said it's about instinct.

Sinon: Accept? Instinct?

Sinon then let go of Kitsune shoulder and
looked down at the ground.

Sinon: Death Gun, Fallen.

Kitsune: Um?

He looks at Sinon who is currently laying her
head on his lap again.

Sinon: Whoever is wearing that cape is a real
person, who actually exits, aren't they?

Kitsune: Yeah. If I knew their name from
SAO, we could find their true name and
address. That's why I came here.

Sinon: Oh, then he can't forget about SAO,
and he came to GGO because he wants to PK

Kitsune: I think it's more than that. When
he killed XexeeD and Lightly Salted Tarako.
And when he killed Pale Rider in this tournament. He chose times when a lot of
people were watching. That exaggerated cross
sign He's probably trying to appeal to a large mass of people. To show them that he really has the ability to kill people from a game.

Sinon: But how is that possible?

Kitsune: From what I heard, XeXeeD and
Tarako didn't die of brain damage, but heart

Sinon: Heart failure? That's.

Kitsune: someone stole Succinylcholine and the deaths happened. But Fallen he wasn't even with the Laughing Coffin during SAO.

Sinon: Never been in SAO?

Kirito: no news about Fallen.

Kitsune: didn't Fallen's arm transformed into a arm cannon?

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