Volume 50: Underworld, Broken Rule and Reuinon never wanted

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(Author's Notes: this is gonna be the longest chapter I've did because well the episode takes like almost an hour like 48 minutes, sorry also gonna give Kirito some extra screentime)
(July 18, Year 372, Human Era Calendar)

Squeeze the ax handle, lift it and swing it down.

Such simple actions, and yet the tiniest lapse of concentration would cause the ax to miss its mark, sending a tremendous jolt through the arms as the blade struck hard bark. Breathing, pulse, speed, shifting of weight-all these factors must be perfectly controlled for the heavy ax head to properly unleash its power into the tree and create the sound of its famed bite.

Boy: 47.

Boy 2:*sighs*

He sat up, grabs a stick and draws a new mark of the amount of chops has been used on chopping the tree.

Boy 1: and 50!!

He pant and drops to the ground breathing for air as the second boy speaks up.

Boy 2: out of 50 chops, I only heard three good ones there. So far, that brings your total to 41.

He gets up and walks towards the boy.

Boy 2: sorry, Eugeo. Looks like the Siral Water's on you again.

Eugeo: oh, whatever. You got what, 43 good chops so far? I'll catch up soon. Go on. It's your turn at the ax, Kirito.

Kirito: yeah, in a sec.

He then looks up at the large tree.

Kirito: every day, for the past year and three months, we've been hackin' away at this darn tree. I can't take it anymore.

Eugeo: there's no use complaining about it. Our calling's to cut the Gigas Cedar down. So there's no getting out of it.

Kirito: yeah, I know you're right, but still, doesn't feel like we're getting anywhere.

He drew an S and it opens a menu as he checks the durability.

Durability: 235542/320826

Kirito: that's it's life now. What was it two months ago?

Eugeo: I think it was at...235,590?

Kirito: I'm gonna be sick. After two months of chopping at it, we only got it's life down a lousy 50?!*moans not that one* it's gonna take us forever to cut it down!!

Eugeo:*laughs* what's you expect? This tree's as strong as steel. Six generations of carvers worked on it for 300 years to get this far. It'll get cut down...in 900 years or so.

Kirito: oh, is that all? Well...

He jumps on Eugeo as both rolled on the ground.

Eugeo: what are you doing?

Kirito: you think you're such a smarty-pants! Why don't you use that big brain of yours to figure out how to get us out of this job?

Eugeo: would you—stop it!! Get off!

He pushes Kirito and he's now on top of him.

Eugeo: now it's my turn.


Eugeo: how do you like that, huh?! All right, do you give up?

Kirito: now you've done it!!

Then he tickles him again.

Kirito: it's payback time!!

Eugeo: hey cut that out!!

Girl: hey!! I caught you slacking off again, didn't I?

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