Volume 43: House in the Forest

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(Date: January 6, 2026, New Ainerad, Floor 22)

A layer of snow covered the New Ainerad
22nd Floor. Amongst the snow-filled covered land, a single log cabin stood insight. Snow-covered the rooftop and chimney along with the terrace and land right outside.

The light illuminated through the windows of the log cabin, meaning someone was inhabiting it currently.

Inside the log cabin, Asuna was situated comfortably on a couch next to Silica as Lisbeth sat on the other couch with Leafa across from Asuna and Silica

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Inside the log cabin, Asuna was situated comfortably on a couch next to Silica as Lisbeth sat on the other couch with Leafa across from Asuna and Silica. A pillow sat comfortably on her lap as Lizbeth was currently reading a book. Yuna wasn't with them as she's away for a while.

Leafa: "His-fast acting mind is.."

Leafa mutters as she is currently doing her winter break homework on English while Asuna was currently doing her winter break homework on additional mathematics.

A look of concentration plastered on her face as the chestnut brown haired tried solving the subjective questions.

After a moment, she typed in her answer using the keyboard display at her fingertips.

While she was busy answering the other available questions, she was unaware of Silica leaning back and forth, her eyelids dropping now and then.

Asuna put her hand on her chin as she stared down at the next question with a thoughtful look. Then a slight nudge of her shoulder causes Asuna to stop her train of thoughts at the moment before processing the peaceful look on Silica's sleeping face on her shoulder.

 Then a slight nudge of her shoulder causes Asuna to stop her train of thoughts at the moment before processing the peaceful look on Silica's sleeping face on her shoulder

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A small smile graced Asuna's lips before she pokes Silica's left ear.

Asuna: Hey, if you nap, you won't be able to sleep tonight.

She then pokes a few times against Silica's left ear, causing her right ear to jerk in response.

Asuna: There are only three days of winter break left. You need to finish your homework.
Before she went home, Sinon said she finished all hers.

Silica then sits up as she yawned whilst stretching her arms in the air.

Silica: I'm tired..

Asuna: Maybe the room's too warm. Should I lower the temperature?

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