Volume 49: Yuuki is saved

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Three days after Asuna talked with her mother, Kitsune battling his brother's clone. Kitsune and Asuna held a barbeque at the Forest House as they invited all their friends and acquaintances and even some of the race leaders such as Eugene, Sakuya, and Alicia came.

Kitsune: Now, let's have a toast to celebrate everyone getting to meet each other! Cheers!

Kitsune: Now, let's have a toast to celebrate everyone getting to meet each other! Cheers!

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Everyone: Cheers!

Everyone then starts their party as Eugene can be seen trying to challenge Yuuki on a duel due to her strength almost match Kitsune but before Eugene can challenge Yuuki, Sakuya and Alicia come at him and nagged him for his ignorance.

Kitsune and Asuna who standing next to Yuuki sweatdropped seeing Eugene got nagged by Sakuya.

Kirito and Klein can be seen talking to Nori, Jun, and Siune about their expedition while Tecchi and Talken are eating the food that Agil and Chrysheight brought hungrily.

Kitsune then takes all his girlfriends and Kirito including Yuuki to the corner of the Forest House to tell them about Yuuki and his relationship.

Sinon: So, what are you going to tell us?

Kitsune: Actually, Yuuki beside me is my new girlfriend.

All Kitsune's girlfriends and Kirito besides Asuna and Sachi were shocked at this as Yuuki started to become nervous due to this is her first time in a relationship with someone.

Silica: Is that true Yuuki?

Yuuki: Y-Yeah... It's three days ago. D-Don't worry, I don't planning to taking him by myself! I just hope you guys can accept me as his girlfriend, that's all.

The girls and Kirito just smiled and nodded to each other before they hugged Yuuki who surprised at this.

Leafa: Don't worry, Yuuki. We'll welcome you with all our hearts!

Yuna: Yeah, after all, we're now fellow comrade and fellow girlfriend of Kitsune. You can count on us in anything.

Yuuki smiled and hugged them back as Kitsune also joined to hugged.

Kitsune: I'm glad everyone accepts Yuuki. Thank goodness.

Everyone then breaks the hug and smiles at each other before Lisbeth and Sinon decide to tease Kitsune. Sachi, Yuna and Kirito knew about this and slowly gets ready for anything happening to their boyfriend Kitsune.

Lisbeth: Jeez, Kitsune, what a hopeless boyfriend of ours you are~ Getting a new girlfriend when your old girlfriend is here~

Sinon: I agree with you, Liz~ Seeing a cute girl like Yuuki, you can't help but be that hopeless, darling~

Kitsine: W-W-W-Wait! It's not like what you think, Liz, Sinon! I didn't mean to fall in love with another girl just because they are cute or anything! I-I just can't help but...

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