Volume 48: Start of the dream/Brother vs brother Round 2

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On January 12, 2026, the day after Yami and Asuna reunited with Yuuki, Yami currently sitting at the chair in the computer lab in the school as Kazuto sat in front of him.

After reunited with Yuuki and later she tells her desire to come to school, Yami talk with his boyfriend about this and they came up with an idea on using their Bidirectional Communication Probe for Yuuki to use to take part in the lessons at the SAO Survivor

Kazuto: If you make it like that, don't you think the gyro would be too sensitive?

Kazuto said sitting in the chair beside Yami while Yami has the Bidirectional Communication Probe on his right shoulder as the two of them currently working on tuning the Probe.

Kazuto said sitting in the chair beside Yami while Yami has the Bidirectional Communication Probe on his right shoulder as the two of them currently working on tuning the Probe

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The probe is a shoulder-mounted camera that is connected to a cellphone to make use of the wireless internet and connect to a virtual

Yami: that's a good point. Then how about we loosen this parameter, a bit, that should fix the visual tracking.

Kazuto: But wouldn't that make it too slow to handle the sudden movements?

Yami: You'll have to rely on the program's machine learning diagram to smooth it over.

Kazuto: Okay, I guess these should do for default settings.

Kazuto said finishing tuning the probe as he looked at Yami and giving him a nod in approval and Yami nodded in understanding as he turns to look at the probe on his right shoulder.

Yami: Okay, Yuuki, can you hear me?

Yuuki: Yep, I can hear you just fine!

Kazuto: All right, then I'm going to initialize the lens state. When your vision clears, say something.

Yuuki: Roger that.

Kazuto then started to adiust the lens on the probe using the touchpad on his laptop as the probe start to move.

Yuuki: There!

In Yuuki's words, Kazuto stops swiping his finger on the touchpad, finishing to initialize the lens state of the Audiovisual Bidirectional Communication Probe.

Kazuto: Okay, we're done.

Kazuto stands up from his seat and walked over to the shoulder mount on Yami's right shoulder and then the probe before pulled out the wires on it.

Kazuto: We put the stabilizers in, but try not to make sudden movements.

Yami: I understand that.

Looking at the clock of the computer lab, Yami, notices that the lunch break was almost over, he stands up from his seat before looking at his right shoulder where the shoulder-mounted probe at.

Yami: Are you ready to go?

Yuuki: Yep, lead the way.
(Cue Opening)

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