Volume 55: Project Alicization

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Having arrived at the Ocean Turtle and discarded their disguises, Yuuki Asuna and Sachi demanded the information about their fiance, Minamoto Yami and their brother in law Kirito from Kikuoka Seijirou.

Sachi: Where's Yami?

She stood in front of Kikuoka and sent the man a glare. Kikuoka just stood still, didn't say anything as he was still startled at Asuna's sudden appearance. Seeing both sides doesn't say anything, Higa decided to intervene.

Higa: See? What'd I tell you, Kikuoka? That kid's the biggest security hole in this whole operation. Luckily it's not Ichigo or the rest of his family who found us or you will get your ass beaten by them.

Kikuoka then shivered when Higa mentioned Ichigo or the rest as Kikuoka know that they will beat him when they found their young brother-figure missing and he was the source of it. Kikuoka then shook his head, calmed down, and look at Asuna, Sachi and Rinko.

Kikuoka: Look like you couldn't have been more right.

Asuna: Is Yami and Kirito safe? Were you lying when you said you could heal him? Tell me, Kikuoka!

Asuna yelled at Kikuoka in frustration. She'd also appeared to have her hand on the hilt of her sword if it were there.

Kikuoka: When that fugitive from the Death Gun incident attacked, Kirito's brain sustained damage that modern medicine is unable to heal.

Kikuoka: When that fugitive from the Death Gun incident attacked, Kirito's brain sustained damage that modern medicine is unable to heal

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Asuna: Unable... to heal him...?

Kikuoka: However, there exists one piece of technology, here at Rath, that may be able to save him. I'm sure you've heard of it. The STL... the Soul Translator. If we use the STL to directly stimulate his Fluctlight, we can help him generate a new neutral network.

Kikuoka: But it takes time. Kitsune and Kirito is inside one of the few full-spec STLs in existence, all of which are in this facility. We're treating him better than any hospital could. He even has his own personal nurse.

Sachi closed her eyes and thinking of if she can trust the man in front of her. After a while, Sachi opened her eyes and stared at Kikuoka with an intense stare, trying to seek out Kikuoka's true intentions. After several seconds, she finally bobbed her head and said.

Sachi: All right... I'll believe you for now.

Kikuoka's shoulders slouched a bit with relief. Rinko stepped toward him and asked.

Rinko: Now that all that's out in the open, why don't you just tell us everything, Kikuoka? Why is an SDF member like you posing as a harmless department head in the Ministry of the Interior? What are you plotting here? And why did you need Minamoto-san?

Kikuoka: Will you help us if I tell you?

Rinko: I'll decide based on your answer.

Kikuoka: Well then, may I assume you're both familiar with the concept of the STL?

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