Volume 73: Brother vs Brother Final Round

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Yami: so you're gonna finally settle this?

Adam: yeah this fight will be our final battle!! This time you're going to die. The outcome of this fight is already clear.

It shows Quinella, Alice, Medina, Edith, Eugeo, Cardinal and Kirito with some slash marks and bruised marks from the explosion as they were breathing heavy.

Yami: leave them out of this. This is our fight they already have enough problems with the Dark Territory and that bastard PoH and Miller.

Adam: fine I'll leave them but first.

He uses his powers to heal them all up including Quinella's right arm and repairing their clothes. Adam uses more of his power to change the room into the Millennium Tower with a mixure from Yakuza 1 and Like A Dragon.

Adam: so let see who's the victor?

He takes off his shirt off to reveal tattoos behind his back a mixture of a koi and a golden dragon while Yami take off his shirt revealing a dragon and a snake with a hannya mask.

They both stared each other as Adam has his eyes locked on to Yami while he has his eyes closed until he opened them.

Adam:*battle cry*

He charges towards Yami as he did the same.

Yami:*battle cry*


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Both brothers throw a punch and hitting their faces as they were pushed back.

They walked around as they were ready for each other to strike. Yami did a kick but Adam did a punch but he dodges the kick as he went closer to punch he did a Tiger Drop and rolls away.

He kicks but misses as Adam tried to stomp him but misses until Yami did a tiger drop, picks him up and slams him to the floor. Adam groans in pain as Yami stomps him and he switches to Rush Style.

He rapidly punches Adam with kicks, a spinning kick, he switches to Dragon Style, he grabbed his head with his fist, pulls his head and slams his face on his knees. Adam fell on the floor and got up but Yami charges to pushes him to the window crashing down.

He got up and did the same heat action. Adam did a flying knee but Yami dodges it and he did a Tiger Drop. Adam kicked Yamj away, punches him and they started giving each other punches.

Memories of their past from being alive to fighting their past matches began to play out.


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