Volume 71: Titan of the Sword

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Chudelkin: I'm going to kill you!!

Yami: with what? Boredom? Because you're wasting everyone's time!!

Chudelkin: I'm invincible!! System Call!! Generate... Thermal... Element!!

Then small orbs of thermal element began to appear as some of his clothes were burned off even his eyes were burned off.

Chudelkin: let me show you. My greatest, ultimate sacred art... Come forth, genie!! Burn these rebels into ash!!

Then he spins around and the orbs were shot out as they passed everyone and combined into a larger fireball until it formed into a larger monster genie.

Yami: well this is gonna be interesting, not really.

The large fire monster breath out a small fire as Alice and Edith were surprised.

Alice: I never had the idea he was capable of such an art. Unfortunately, I can't destroy that intangible flame giant with my flowers.

Edith: if we to focus in defense, we couldn't told it off for long.

Kirito: we have to attack Chudelkin who's controlling that?

Yami: yeah okay I'll handle it, you guys try to hit Chudelkin for ten seconds but don't let Quinella attack you.

Kirito: ten...

Eugeo: Seconds...

Yami: Scatter...

Upon release, Senbonzakura's sword form separates into a thousand tiny blade petals. The large fire monster jumps up and tries to slam Yami down but he holding it as the rest looked at him in shock.

Edith: he's really hold the monster like it's nothing.

They saw Kirito who had his sword up in a stance and pointing at Chudelkin.

Kirito: guys aim for the eyes.

They nodded as they chanted system call.

Eugeo, Medina, Alice and Edith: System Call. Discharge!!

They shot the arrows but Quinella disperse them. They turned around see Kirito scream as his clothes changes into his Coat of Midnight.

Medina: The Black Swordsman....

Kirito then thrust his sword which stabs Chudelkin on his stomach and he screams in pain as blood came out as he falls to the ground and reaches out to Quinella.

Chudelkin: M-My... My... Eminence...

Then he died in his own pool of blood. Everyone saw Kirito in his Coat of Midnight and was burning away back into his normal clothes.

Eugeo: Kirito...

Yami: man I missed that coat of yours, back like the old days huh Kirito? Looks like Black Swordsman is slowly coming back!!

Edith: Black Swordsman?

Quinella: well, that was a boring show, but at least I was able to gather some useful data. What an eyesore.

Yami: yeah well soon you'll be like him.

Quinella: dear... Why are with those rebels?

Everyone Except Medina and Yami: DEAR!?

Quinella: yes we were childhood friends until you went missing for many years even with the sacred arts I've learned I couldn't find you. Do you know how long I searched for you?


Quinella: we could've been married with me having your children and rule this land but you left to the other side along with that black hair boy?

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