Volume 72: Administrator vs Yami

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Quinella: I thought you come. If I tormented those children long enough, kept my dear as my king, I knew  you'd emerge from your musky hole sooner or later.

Cardinal: Since I last saw you, you've grown adept at imitating a human.

Quinella: oh my. And what about you pipsqueak? Why are you speaking to me in that bizarre manner? Two hundred years ago, when you were brought before me, you were trembling and alone!! Right, Lyserith?

Cardinal: don't call me by that name, Quinella!! My name is Cardinal. I'am the program that only exist to delete you.

Quinella: yes, that is correct. And I'm the Administrator.

Then a Ki blast was shot but is passes Quinella as Yami was bored.

Yami: how about you hurry up. The Sword Golem is actually human.

This shocked everyone even Cardinal.

Cardinal: what... how can it be?

Yami: the subjects that Quinella used are in that machine.

Eugeo: but you were suppose to protect them!!

Yami: she doesn't even give a dam about the people only the Underworld itself. She's nothing but a wanna be goddess.

Quinella: as if  I would ever bother with petty matters like "the subjects I should be protecting."

Yami: The people used for this are all the loved ones of the Integrity Knights. Their sealed memories are used as the 'people' controlling the release art; the close personal connection makes up for the fact that the sealed memories aren't 'full' people.

Yami: Quinella's tweaking of the control magic ensures that all of the sword, when the control art is used, form into a single golem that she can command, rather than doing anything else.

More information was being spoken out of Yami's mouth as Alice and Edith were out right pissed.

Alice: You will suffer the consequence of your actions!!

Edith: I'll make sure I'll sweep that smug face of yours in the dirt!!

Yami: I know what your goal is. Leave Underworld and take over Kirito's world.

Kirito: what!?

Yami: it's a metaphor that she thought she was a big fish in a small pond, and thought that she would be "upgrading" to a larger pond, when she would actually be left a fish out of water.

Quinella: you know what die.

She shoots out dark lightning to attack Cardinal but Yami blocks the attack.

Quinella: dear how could you!?

Yami: you are nothing gonna kill anyone under my watch!!

He used telepathy on them.

Yami: okay Kirito, Eugeo you guys are coming with me, Alice and Edith you provide back up, Cardinal you'll be healing and Medina you'll be protecting Cardinal, got it?

Them: yes!!

He summoned Artemis as she used Luster Candy to increase everyone's stats, he summoned Idun as she used Debilitate which lowered the Sword Golem's stats.

Yami: alright!! Charge!!!

The Sword Golem start walking towards them as it swings it's blades as Eugeo blocks and counters it with a arrow discharge attack.

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