Volume 34: Death Chasers

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Death Gun then starts to make a cross sign
while Sinon desperately trying to reach her
pistol at her back. After Death Gun finished
his ritual, he pulled out his handgun while Fallen's arm turned into a fusion cannon and
when Sinon saw it, she looked completely

Sinon: A Black Star...Type 54....... That gun.
Why...? Why is it showing up here now? A cannon!? What is he!?

Death Gun then cocked the barrel back and
then pointed the handgun at Sinon while the Fusion cannon charged up as she looked at it completely and utterly terrified to the point that she can't even move a finger.


Right now, Death Gun is standing over Sinon,
pointing his handgun at her and she continued to look at him completely terrified. Just as Death Gun and Fallen was about to shot Sinon, Sinon reminisced on how she thought, if she continued to watch Kitsune, as Kitsune smiling face appears on her mind.

 Just as Death Gun and Fallen was about to shot Sinon, Sinon reminisced on how she thought, if she continued to watch Kitsune, as Kitsune smiling face appears on her mind

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Sinon: The meaning of strength...What it
means to fight. I thought I'd be able to keep
watching Kitsune to understand those things someday....I don't want to give up!!

Suddenly, Sinon heard a gunshot and she
closed her eyes in fear, but she didn't feel
anything or being shot at. When she opened
her eyes, she saw that Death Gun and Fallen shoulders have been shot.

Death Gun is then forced to retreat behind a
pillar as he pulls out his sniper and returning
fire at the person who shot him. Suddenly, a
grenade flew over and landed near Sinon as
her eyes widened in shock.

Sinon: A grenade?!

Death Gun and Fallen saw the grenade and retreated as they thought that it was an explosive grenade while Sinon also closed her eyes, but it was actually a smoke grenade. As the smoke started to cover the area sights including Sinon, suddenly, someone ran up to her and grabbed her sniper, and another person picked her up bridal style. Sinon opens her eyes and saw the person who carried her was Kitsune.

Kitsune: Sinon, sorry to keep you waiting.

Sinon: Kitsune..? That's enough. I just
slowing you down, so just leave me..

Kitsune: no!! I'm going to leave you behind!! You're my girlfriend!!

Kirito: Alright. Follow me!! Still salty about that!!

The three of them then started to run from
the area but suddenly they heard a gunshot
from behind them. They turned around and
saw Death Gun and Fallen chasing them. Kitsune quickly turned around and returned fire at Death Gun and Fallen with his gun, Ivory but Death Gun just rolled out of the way into cover as Kitsune one-handed his pistol Ivory and he kept both players at bay.

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