Volume 59: Let's paint the room red

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The next day, Kirito was in Eugeo's room, and they were polishing their respective swords while waiting for their valet, Ronye, and Tiese, to arrive

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The next day, Kirito was in Eugeo's room, and they were polishing their respective swords while waiting for their valet, Ronye, and Tiese, to arrive. Kirito took a break from cleaning his blade to look out the window and noticed that it was pouring outside, with the odd gust of wind.

Reason why Yami wasn't with them as he needs some alone time.

*ding** ding** ding*

Then came the sound of a bell clanging.

Kirito: Isn't that the 4:30 bell?

Eugeo: You're right. Is it that late already?

Kirito: Ronye and Tiese are late. They've never been late to cleaning before, have they?

Tiese and Ronye have never cleaned their rooms later than four o'clock. Usually, the two would arrive at Eugeo's room before splitting but today wasn't the case as they were nowhere on their radar.

Eugeo: Well, the storm's pretty bad. Maybe they're just waiting until the rain stops. It's not like there's a rule about when they have to start.

Kirito: Do you think rain would keep them away? I've got a bad feeling about this. I'm going down to the primary trainee dorm. You wait here, just in case I miss them by accident.

He slid Night Sky Sword into its sheath, placed it on the table, and got up. Eugeo was shocked when Kirito opened the window and looked about to jump out of the window at any moment.

Eugeo: Um, Kirito, I don't think this is good-

And there he goes. Kirito, as usual, ignored Eugeo and leaped from the windowsill to a nearby branch and slid down out of sight, leaving only the sound of rustling leaves.
Eugeo sighed, exasperated, and shut the window behind him.

Eugeo: Jeez, that guy always does whatever he does.

He returned to the couch, picked up his sword, and sheathed it. Suddenly, there was a minor knock on the door. He exhaled a huge breath, thinking it was probably Ronye and Tiese.

Eugeo: (See? Of course, you'll miss them if you jump out the window.

He opens the door with a smile on his face only to see.

Eugeo: Thank goodness, I was wor-

A light brown-haired girl stood in front of Eugeo. The girl was soaked and looking extremely nervous.

 The girl was soaked and looking extremely nervous

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