Volume 13: The End of this World

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(Cue openings)

Right now, Yami and the others continued
fighting against The Skull Reaper. With him,
Asuna, Kirito, Yuna, Nautilus and Heathcliff fighting at the front lines, distracting it while the other players were damaging it from the sides. With Yami, he countered one of The
Reaper's scythe from reaching a player. The
player nodded gratefully at him, as he then
continued the attack by charging at the boss,
with all the other players.

Suddenly, The Skull Reaper cried in pain, as
Heathcliff noticed that the Boss's life was
nearing depletion, meaning that it was nearly to be defeated.

Heathcliff: Everyone, attack!

After attacks by attacks, The Skull Reaper
slowly begins to lie down, indicating that it
was slowly being defeated.

Yami: Everyone, get back!

Everyone looks back at him, as they
immediately comply with his order, backing
away from the Boss, letting Yami the path
towards the Boss.

Yami crouched down, as his sword Zangetsu
glowed golden, preparing to attack. He then
dashes off, like a crater formed from where he
was crouching.

Yami: Time to finish you off!

Yami leaping towards the air, the path
where he was going was straight to the boss.
He then raised his sword and attacks it with <Stinger> <Million Stabs> <Overdrive>and immediately swung doing multiple hits of his his sword to the side of the Boss, causing the Boss to instantly lay down on the ground by the force of Zangetsu. Meanwhile, the Reaper's HP was close to being depleted from Yami's strike, then it was from the players damaging it before.

The Skull Reaper looks up at Yami, as it
sends one of his scythes towards him to
kill him, but Yami just stays there. Just as
when the scythe was approaching Yami,
he immediately slices off the scythe with Zangetsu causing the Boss to scream in pain. Yami then put his feet on the sliced scythe, and he jumps higher in the air than he was before, by using the scythe as leverage.

Seeing as he was a little above the Boss, he
looks down at the Boss.

Yami: You're finished! GETSUGA TENSHOU!!

He raising his sword and swings the sword up shooting out a wave of spiritual energy.

He raising his sword and swings the sword up shooting out a wave of spiritual energy

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It dealt more damage, more than the game can handle. It was already gone. Everyone was dropped to the floor breathing heavily.

Klein: how many did we lost?

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