Volume 52: The End Mountains

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[March 20, Year 378, Human Era Calendar]
The next morning, In one of the rooms in the church standing on the small hill overlooking the Rulid village, Yami and Kirito were currently sleeping in shared room as they doesn't notice that Selka is in the room, trying to wake them up while two children peeked through the door.

Kirito: Ten more minutes... No, five would be fine.

Yami: more rest...about to slam to the ground

Selka: No. Wake up.

Both of the popped their head out from under the blankets and looked to his right. Through parted eyelids, Yami thought that he saw Yui who always wake him in the morning with an angel smile.

Yami: Yui?

Frustrated, Selka yanking the covers off the bed and both males can clearly saw that the one in front of them wasn't Yami's adopted daughter, Yui but none other than Selka who was already in her nun's habit. The apprentice sister looked at them in exasperation.

Selka: Snap out of it. It's already 5:30. You may be a guest, a wandering swordsman and a lost child of Vecta, but you're still expected to get up on time, okay?

Yami: Okay, we got it.

Selka: Good.

Kirito: She reminds me of Aoi...Scary...T-T...


Time Skip

After he ate the breakfast, Yami and Kirito joined Eugeo at the Gigas Cedar and currently, Eugeo is swinging the Dragonbone Ax, until the sun he called Solus reached the sky directly overhead.

Eugeo: Forty... five!

As Eugeo doing his Calling, Yami and Kirito was watching him at a safe distance while sitting on the ground as he already finishes his part of swinging the five-hundredth swing into the Gigas Cedar.

The truth is, early this morning when Yami and Kirito met with Eugeo, he offered himself to help Eugeo as he got nothing to do.

Kirito: There's still a lot about this world I don't understand, so to get to the central city, I'm definitely going to need Eugeo's help. But... To release Eugeo from his Calling... I guess we're going to have to chop this tree down first?

Eugeo: What was that?

Both snapped out of their own thought when Eugeo called for him as Eugeo already finished the five-hundredth swing. Yami then looked at the blond-haired boy who was walking towards him with a smile.

Yami: Oh, nothing.

Eugeo: That's it for this morning, so let's have lunch.

As thanks for accompanying and helping him, Eugeo offered Kirito half of his lunch while Yami decline and currently, the three sitting up properly and leaning back against the Gigas Cedar.

Kirito: Bon appetite!

Yami, Kirito, and Eugeo then started to eat their lunch which is the same bread rolls as yesterday and while the two eating their lunch, Eugeo began to strike up a conversation with the two

Eugeo: You know, you two got good fundamentals. I think you've both really come a long way in just two days. I really surprised when you two already finish half an hour earlier than me.

Kirito: Thanks. Well, I got the best instructor teaching me.

Eugeo looked at Kirito with a smile and was slightly embarrassed being praised. Then, for several minutes the two silently chewed away at their first rolls of bread and shared an awkward smile when they finished together.

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