OVA 2: Second, Third and Fourth Mates

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(Well time to be dating Raikou the mommy milkers, Yuuna and Rika)
The alarm went ringing, Yami walks up first and turns off the alarm. He gets up while yawning, he brushes his teeth/drying, went to the kitchen and made some breakfast for Sachi and himself. He summons a clone to clean Sachi's clothes. A few minutes Sachi wakes up by the smell. She went to the kitchen and shocked to see her breakfast ready.

 She went to the kitchen and shocked to see her breakfast ready

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Yami: today's breakfast lady Sachi is Eggs Benedict.

Yami and Sachi: Itadakimasu!!

Then they eat their breakfast, Sachi is surprised with the breakfast.

Sachi: it's so good.

She finishes it before Yami, she washes her dish, the clone gives her clothes back, she changes into her clothes, a clone was summoned and teleported Sachi back to her house as it vanishes. Yami finishes his food and washes the dishes. Then Raikou was done showering.

Raikou: so how was last night?

Yami: mom!? Since when did you gotten this perverted!? How did you got out of my head!?

Raikou: when I gotten my new body. Also I can just get out of your head with no summon stuff.

Yami:*sigh* this counts to them right?

Raikou: yes but I told them no using powers we don't want the government chasing our asses down.

Yami: that I agree with.

Raikou: so who are going to be with?

Yami: well we haven't really bonded in a long time since....*sigh* your death.

Raikou: well we can do that today!!

Yami: okay then, that settles it.

His phone rings and he checks. It was Yuuna who is calling him.

Yuuna: hey, Yami, good morning!!

Yami: morning to you too Yuuna.

Yunna: so it's my turn?

Yami: yeah it's yours-oh shoot I'm going to be with my mom since we've rarely been together for while now.

Yuuna: oh I see...

Raikou: Yami, honey she can join with us.

Yami: are you sure?


Yami: actually you can join with us.

Yuuna: really? Aw thanks Yami!! What time?

Yami: 10:30 in the morning, like a three person date.

Yuuna: okay I'll be ready!! Also I had Rika join us so a four person date.
(Correct me if I'm wrong)

She hangs out and Yami sighs

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