Volume 68: Seal of the Right Eye

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At the Cathedral Tower as Alice who spoke towards Kirito.

Alice: Speak. However, if there's any trace of deceit in your words, we'll slay you on the spot.

Kirito: that's fine. If both of you decide on slaying me is your own. The reason I say that is because there's an order inside you that you're not aware of put there by someone else. You Integrity Knights were summoned from the Heavens to maintain order and justice by the surrogate of the gods, Administrator, the pontifex of the Axiom Church, or so you believe.

Medina: But Alice, Eydis, you don't remember who gave birth to you, or where you were raised.

Alice: we were told it's because the moment Integrity Knights are called here, the goddess Stacia seals our memories of the heavens.

Medina: it's true that your memories have been sealed. It wasn't the goddess Stacia who did that, it was the pontifex herself.

Kirito: it's not your memories of the heavens that were sealed, but of having been born and raised as a human child in this world. Your really name are Alice Zeberg. You were born and raised in a small village northern hinterlands called Rulid.

Medina: Edith that your true name and you have a sister named Mary as im right now we don't know who are your parents or anything in your background.

This shocked them but Alice was more shocked to hear about her past.

Kirito. And when you were 11, you went to explore the cave through the End Mountains and ended up barely crossing the boundary between the Human Empire and the Dark Territory. In other words, the taboo you violated was "trespassing into the Dark Territory."

She start cover her right eye as she start see a memories of a girl who looked the same as her as she barely crossed the border.

Alice: Alice Zuberg. Is that my true name? Rulid....End Mountains...

Edith: Edith...my actual name? Mary....

Alice: I can't remember any of it.

Medina: don't force yourself to remember. You'll end up like Eldrie.

Edith: why would you say that now? I...no we want to know anything.

(Notes: I haven't played SAO Unleashed Blazing since it's shut down so I don't any idea Edith's origins)

Kirito: your father is Ruild's village elder, and his name is Gasuft Zuberg. Unfortunately, we don't know your mother's name, but like I said before, you have a younger sister. Her name is Selka.

Alice: Selka....

Medina: she's been worried about you ever since you were taken away by the Church. When you were living in Ruild, Kirito was told that you were called a prodigy of sacred arts.

Kirito: and she's working hard to become a good sister, to follow in her older sister's footsteps.

Alice: you told me something that you planned this rebellion in order to correct the pontifex's wrongs and to protect the human world.

Kirito: yeah that's right.

Edith: yet it's a fact that the pontifex's primary order to us Integrity Knights is to defend against an invasion from the Dark Territory.

Alice: even if you managed to defeat every Integrity Knight, as well as slay the pontifex herself, then who would be left to protect the Human Empire?

Kirito: then let me ask you this. If you Integrity Knights counter at full strength, do you really believe that you can definitely repulse the entire Dark Territory forces?

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