Volume 42: Three Excailburs the better!!

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The battle against Thrym began with Thrym's attack and currently, Kitsune and the others manage to depleted Thrym's first HP bar to half.

Yui: He's going for another one-two punch!

Thrymr leaped at them with his fist and he then slammed his fist into the ground, creating a smokescreen. Everyone then jumped out of the way to dodge the punch but as Kitsune jumped up, Thrym comes out of the smoke and punched Kitsune into the ground.

Kirito: Kitsune!

Kirito rushed towards Kitsune to help him as Sinon shot an explosion arrow at the side of Thrym's head, distracting him. Klein then jumped on his heels and initiated a sideways slash behind Thrym's back, unleashing a burst of flames which earned Thrym to groan in pain.

Demi-Fiend: eat this!!

He charges up a Divine Shot and blasted at Thrym's face. Vishnu, Apollo, Maia, Thanatos, Messiah, Chronos, Izanagi-No-Okami.

Naoya and Jun: Vishnu, Chronos, Magarudyne!!

Tatsuya: Apollo, Maragidyne!!

Maya: Maia, Crescent Mirror!!

Minako: Thanatos, Door of Hades!!

Minato: Messiah, God's Hand!!

Yu: Izanagi No Okami, Megidolaon!!

All attacks hit Thrym's and caused him to be knocked out. Beneath Thrym's legs, Leafa and Lucina ready themself as they held their blade and Leafa swiftly slashes along Thryms's right leg as Lucina slashes Thrym's left leg.

Lucina: strike down!!

Meanwhile, Kirito manages to help Kitsune to stand on his feet as the two of them currently rushed at Thrym.

After Leafa and Lucina were done, the two of them retreated as Kitsune and Kirito jumped into the air, approaching Thrym to slash at him with his two blades in-hand.

As Kitsune and Kirito approach Thrym, they got surprised when they look at Thrym and saw him opening his eyes to look directly at him. Seeing this, they raise their swords to defend themselves from the incoming attack.

Yui: Ice breath incoming!

Suddenly, Thrym jumps into the air as he turns to the fairies below.

Yui: In three... Two... One... Zero!

Up in the air, Thrym inhaled a breath before letting out an icy breath down below.

The icy breath blast scattered through the corridor as Kitsune, Kirito, Leafa, Lucina, and Klein retreated to the side walls along with the others.

As the attack about to hit them, Freyja lifting her right arm as Words of Power circled her.
Then a blast of lightning strikes Thrym in mid-air which shocked his entire being.

Thrym let out sounds of pain as the lightning kept striking him. After a moment, the lightning dissipated and Thrym fell onto the ground. His third HP bar could be seen diminishing until it stops at the corner of his second HP bar.

Kitsune seeing this, take a chance to attack Thrym as he glances at his party members.

Kitsune: Lucina, Kirito, Leafa, Klein. Follow me.

They nodded at him and started sprinting towards Thrym, taking this chance to launch a surprise attack at the Thrym.

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