Volume 74: To The Far North and Raids

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(Octtober 21, 380 HE)

It was fall season as the tree's leaves were orange, brown and golden as a large cabin was there. Two females in cloaks were working on a garden until it was revealed them as Alice and Edith.

They were taking out some vegetables until they were done as they hear Selka.

Selka: sister!!

They turned around to see Alice's younger sister Selka waving them as she hugs Alice.

Selka: good morning, sister!!

Alice: welcome, Selka. What brings you here today?

Selka: since it's so nice out, I wanted to go to the eastern hill. And Yami can come to right?

She looks at the cabin as she smiles.

Alice: it's a lovely day. Shame that Yami had to be inside all the time. He can join us.

Inside was Yami who was on a wheel chair with Excalibur, Excalibur Morgan, Osmanthus Sword, Night Sky Sword, Blue Rose and Mirage Blade on the wall as Yami just stared the swords with a lifeless look on his eyes.

In the cabin Alice who was a scarf on Yami's neck. She equips her sword on her hip along with Edith. They see Kirito, Medina, Eugeo walking in.

Kirito: sorry we're back it took a while to get the meat.

Eugeo: so we're going?

Alice: yes.

Medina: well we should get ready.

They nodded and the rest gotten their weapons as Yami using his left arm as he reaches out Excalibur and Morgan.

Edith: I got it Yami.

She grabs then and places the two swords between Yami's legts as he holds them tight.

Edith: hold on tight so you won't drop them, all right?

So they left the cabin as Amayori, Alice's dragon woken up. The group walked on a dirt path as Alice was pushing the wheelchair that was used by Yami.

Alice: don't you think he'll be cold?

Selka: really? You're such a worrywart. You've piled enough clothes that would make him sweat. Right Yami?

No response coming from Yami only silence as she frown a bit. Kirito and Eugeo frowned as they fell sorry for Yami to lose a brother.

As they left the forest area they stopped to see a large beautiful lake as a small bird flies away.

Medina: never I see something more beautiful than the Cathedral'a walls.

Eugeo: the world you saved, Yami.


Higa: this is bad, Mr. Kiku!! If they sever the main power line, it will cause a surge!! The Lightcube Cluster is protected, but... the surge will hit Kirigaya or Minamoto's STL in Subcon!! One of their Fluctlight will get fried!'

Kikuoka: I'll handle the lockdown procedure!! Higa, you take Dr. Kojiro, Asuna and Sachi and evacuate to the Upper Shaft.

Kirito: Asuna and Sachi are here? But why are they're in Rath?

Higa: it's no good, they're cutting the power!! The screw propellers are going to stop!!

Yami screamed in pain as everyone looked at him.

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