Chapter 3

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October 2020.

It's definitely been a shitty year, I can't anymore with this. Between the Covid and the fact that I started drinking constantly since I got here, everything has become much more difficult for me.

I've tried not to think about her, I swear. But every day it gets harder and I can't even dull the pain with alcohol anymore.

Every night I dream the same thing and every morning turns into a nightmare when I realize that everything now is just memories.

"Alex, potresti andare con Dante al ristorante e portare quello che è rimasto laggiù?" My nonna asked and I nodded. (Alex, could you go with Dante to the restaurant and bring what's left there?)

Since I arrived in Italy I decided to stay with my grandparents. I was supposed to be with my parents but with Covid, the best thing was that someone was with them. My brother Dante decided the same and between the two of us we have helped them with everything they need.

"I will drive" My brother said taking the keys from me "You think I didn't notice the smell of wine on you Alex" He said giving me a sad look.

The way to the restaurant was silent. When we got there we began to check everything that we had to take to my grandparents' house. While my brother continued to organize boxes inside the kitchen, I began to carry them to the main room.

"É chiuso" I said in an annoyed tone without looking at the person who had entered. (Is closed)

"Qualcuno si è alzato con il piede sbagliato" The person said with a giggle. (Someone got up on the wrong foot)

That laugh I could recognize anywhere, even wearing a mask.

"Victoria?" I asked turning quickly towards her.

"Almeno ti ricordi di me " She said laughing again. (At least you remember me)

"Potrei riconoscere la tua risata ovunque" I said approaching her "How did you know I was here? (I could recognize your laugh anywhere)

"I was sitting in my driveway and I saw the truck" She said softly with a thick Italian accent "I saw Dante and I thought your grandmother was with him but when I saw you I didn't hesitate to come by and say hello"

"I would hug you but" I said being interrupted.

"Covid, I know" She sighed "Just so you know, It is the first time that I leave my house"

"It is also the first time that I leave the house" I said shyly.

"Then I think it's not dangerous for us to hug" She replied laughing.

I moved closer to her and we fell into a hug. A hug that again, I didn't know I needed. Victoria and I were together during our university period and we decided to end it when she decided to try her luck in France while I decided to go to the US.

"I missed your hugs" She said squeezing us even more "How have you been?

"Mmm I'm trying to be okay" I whispered into her neck.

Victoria broke away from the hug but without removing her hand from the base of my neck. She looked into my eyes and I watched as she frowned.

"I know what happened" She said suddenly and I looked at her confused "A couple of months ago I saw the news of your breakup"

"I had no idea it was already known" I said and she just nodded. Her hand that was at the base of my neck began to caress me and then she came over to hug me again. We were so relaxed in that hug that we only pulled away when we heard a cough.

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