Chapter 38

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It's been an exhausting few days, but I couldn't be happier. Ever since Scarlett told me she was pregnant I couldn't stop smiling and that's not all, because Rose and her had finally moved in with me while we were looking for a house for our family.

Speaking of family, mine had arrived and they were all occupying one of the rooms that were available.

Today was the day that we would tell everyone that we were going to be moms and to say that we were excited was an understatement.

Last night I went to bed early, I was all day helping Scarlett with her things with my family. But my relaxed sleep was interrupted by a strange smell.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that the light that slightly illuminated the room came from Scarlett's side. I looked at my alarm clock and it was two thirty in the morning.

I turned my head to where she was and noticed that she was eating a sandwich.

"Scar, it's two in the morning" I said letting out a sigh "What are you eating?"

"A tuna sandwich with pickles and mayonnaise" She said in an embarrassed tone.

"Have you been craving a tuna, pickle, and mayonnaise sandwich?" I asked laughing slightly and she nodded "You would have woken me up and I would have prepared it for you"

"I didn't want to bother you" She said biting into her sandwich again.

"You don't bother me, honey" I said giving her a smile "I'm going to continue sleeping, I love you"

"I love you" She replied.

I settled down again, turning my head to the other side and when I felt that my desire to sleep returned I began to hear a noise.

"Scar" I said opening my eyes to look at her again "A bag of cheetos, really?" I asked laughing.

"Do you want one?" She asked holding out her hand with a cheeto in it.

"No, amore" I replied laughing "Thanks"

I went back to sleep and it felt like many hours had passed, so it wasn't hard to wake up when I felt Scarlett gently rock me saying my name.

"Alex, wake up" She said in a whisper.

"What happened?" I asked opening my eyes slowly.

"I want to eat stracciatella" She replied leaving a kiss on my cheek and looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Stracciatella, amore?" I asked confused.

"Yes, I'm craving to eat that" She replied pouting.

I looked to see the time and it was quarter past three in the morning. I couldn't believe it.

"Amore, I don't think anything is open at this time" I said, looking at her softly.

"Please" She said kissing my lips many times.

"Okay, Okay" I said laughing and Scarlett let out a happy squeak.

I got up, I put on a gray  sweatpants, along with a black hoodie and my sneakers.

I'm lucky to know someone who could help me with Scarlett's craving. I called an old friend of my dad's, who owns an Italian ice cream parlor in Little Italy and when I told him about the situation, he didn't hesitate to help me.

"Thank you very much, Guido" I said receiving the ice cream.

"Don't worry, kid" Guido said "Congratulations on your baby"

When I returned home, I noticed that the kitchen light was on. I walked there and saw my sister Anna drinking water, and when she saw me she began to laugh.

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