Chapter 56

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Our honeymoon days have been the most incredible, we have eaten a lot and enjoyed touring the city.

Today is our last day in Greece as we have to fly to Italy tomorrow.

Scarlett and I went hand in hand walking the streets near our hotel, enjoying each other's company at night.

"I'm glad we finally got to have our happy ending" Scarlett said softly which made me smile.

"I agree with you, honey" I said giving her a squeeze "I'm glad we gave ourselves this opportunity and to have this beautiful family with you"

When Scarlett and I got back to our hotel, we quickly went to sleep since we had an early flight.

The trip to Italy was smooth. Dante picked us up at the airport and took us to my grandparent's house.

"Piacere di vedervi, ragazze" My grandmother said, leaving a kiss on each of my cheeks. (Nice to see you, girls)

"Sembri radiosa" My grandfather said as he hugged Scarlett. (You look radiant)

"Cosa ti aspettavi, Luciano, è la loro luna di miele" My grandmother said laughing, winking at us. (What did you expect, Luciano, it's their honeymoon)

"O mio Dio" We heard Dante say in a disgusted tone. (Oh my God)

"Abbiamo passato dei giorni fantastici" Scarlett replied, kissing my cheek. (We've had some amazing days)

"Go leave your bags while I start preparing the food" My grandmother said, throwing us out of the kitchen.

Scar and I went to my room and while I left the suitcases on the bed, I heard her sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked approaching her slowly.

"I like being here" She replied, wrapping both arms around my neck "Being here with you. Only the little ones are missing"

"Could you get used to this?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

"To live in Italy, of course" She replied, kissing my lips softly "It might be difficult at first, but I would love it"

Hearing those words come out of Scarlett's mouth made me smile. Perhaps the surprise that I had prepared for her would turn out well after all.

I hugged her tightly as she let out a heavy sigh.

"Knock, knock" We heard my grandfather say "Alex, could you help me with the wine?"

"Of course" I said giving him a smile.

"I'll go help Nonna and Dante" Scar said kissing my forehead.

I left the house with my grandfather and we began to walk a few meters below their house.

"Hai un'aria felice" He said as we walked. (You look happy)

"Sono felice" I answered giving him a huge smile. (I am happy)

"I'm glad to see you like this" He said, hugging me from the side "Tutto è pronto". (Mi fa piacere vederti così) (Everything is ready)

"Pensi che le piacerebbe?" I asked nervously as we entered my grandfather's small vineyard. (Do you think she would like it?)

"Lei lo amerà" He answered while he filled a bottle of wine "Hai lavorato sodo per avere qualcosa del genere". (She's going to love it) (You worked hard to have something like this)

After filling a couple of bottles, we went back to the house.

When we got there we both grunted when we felt the delicious aroma of Nonna's food.

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