Chapter 1: Cancer

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Well, where do I begin? There are so many good starting points!

Hmmm... I guess how me and the other Zodiacs were celebrating the last day of the summer holidays? That's pretty much the beginning, and I'm pretty sure you didn't read this to know of my upbringing (I was raised in an orphanage - it was pretty nice though.)

So, moving on, it was probably the hottest day of the year (maybe even century) in Raen. Pronounced Ray-en, just so you don't get confused. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, no clouds in the sky....

I loved it.

I was usually a reserved and calm person, but I had somehow acquired 11 other great and unique friends, and that's who I was currently walking with.

We were on our way back from the beach and most of us were sweating profusely.

"You seem annoyed," one of my bestest friends said. He was stood behind me and I turned around to see Pisces quickening his pace to match mine. He soon caught up and I shook my head in reply to his question.

"Why'd you ask that?"

"I just felt like your annoyed about something. Something just seems off..." he trailed off, trying to hide a grin. I rolled my eyes in response - he always said that line to me. He knew he annoyed me to no end!

"Pisces, I'm perfectly fine. Stop bothering me," I punched his arm. He fakingly winced in pain. He was like my little brother and even though he did like to annoy me, I was usually fond of him. We probably would have then started a normal conversation, though someone ruined it.

That someone being Gemini, the loudest, most annoying, most cheerful and most talkative person ever.

"Guys!" Gemini screamed so loud I heard her a mile away. We were all walking in a group and were pretty close to each other, so there was really no point.

"What? You're stupid high pitched voice that would break mirrors is annoying!" Leo laughed back. Gemini scoffed at the remark, but you could tell she had no comeback. Leo was currently standing at the front, with his best friend Aries, who was very competitive and hot headed, yet was one of those that could be really cool when he wanted to.

"Leo, leave her alone. Go on Gemini, what's your idea, honey?" Libra asked.

"Thank you, Libra. Well, instead of partying in a crappy house, let's have one outside! We can have a campfire at this place I just found recently," Gemini told us.

That sounded like a normal idea. I was half expecting to Gemini to add on that there was some sort of death trap or horror story attached to the place.

"Fine, seems like a pretty decent idea," Virgo nodded approvingly. She even had a small smile - mainly because Gemini hadn't said anything stupid or annoyed her yet.

One by one, the rest of us agreed to spend a night outdoors. It's not like we had anything better to do - most of us lived alone, while one or two lived in an orphanage.

"We had better plan for this outdoor trip and the rules," Virgo said, pointedly looking at Leo and Aries. As she said rules, the two had given a collective sigh. I grinned, they hated rules and restrictions. Leo looked in my direction wagged a finger - he knew I lowkey broke the rules myself and he always seemed to get the blame.

"Yeah, yeah, Virgo, whatever," Leo nonchalantly said.

"I don't care about there being rules, though I might kill the idiot that's annoying me," Scorpio said, looking like he was seriously bored. Scorpio was my other best friend - with his piercing gold eyes and beautiful brown hair, most girls would instantly fall for him. However, unlike most pretty boys, he was strong-willed, stubborn, reserved and cold. From time to time he did show emotion, but only to those special to him (I'm one of those lucky few.)

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