Chapter 44: Taurus

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"Guys, you're here!" I yelled, as they all started to hug me and Scorpio.

"Why are you all hugging me?" Scorpio yelled. "I told you I'd be back. Some stupid Sorcerers ain't gonna kill me!"

"'s been so long...." Aqua nearly cried. What's up with her? I wondered.

Leave her be, child. Aquarius always loved Scorpio - that was how it was always written and how it will be written.

Okay...thanks for the back-up Iris.

"So, how did you guys end up here?" Virgo asked, as she hugged me. No matter the time, she loved to ask questions which was one thing I loved about her.

"Well, back in Yami, me and Scorpio took the Sorcerers out. We knew more on the way and we wouldn't be able to beat them because of the sheer number. We had to escape, but had no idea how to. But, an old man appeared and he led us to the teleportation thingy that transported us to Serbai and we ended up here," I simply said.

"We didn't have to escape," Scorpio scowled. "We wanted to, because we felt sorry for them. Kicking too much arse gets boring sometimes."

"Sure it does," Leo laughed. "Well, how did you get this sweet crib?" He asked, looking around the cottage.

It was quite large and made out of wood, with a small fire in a corner to heat us up if we got cold. There was various tables, chairs and utensils, as well as a single bedroom me and Scorpio shared.

"It was already here, before we were. At first, we didn't know if we should come in, but after staying it in a day and no one sending us out, we figured it was safe enough," Scorpio shrugged.

"So, you two ready to help kick the crap outta Talaanz?" Pisces asked. Both of us hesitated, but for different reasons. I'd like to get revenge on Hercules but if one of us died, I'd only be blaming myself and I hate doing that. But, I nodded. It was my destiny after all.

Scorpio was more reluctant.

"Sure, I'll join. Maybe if you aren't hiding any secrets..."

That was aimed at Virgo and the way his eyes flashed at her just saw how angry and betrayed he felt.

I honestly couldn't blame him. Anyone, including me, in that position would be completely pissed off. I was surprised Scorpio could hold the anger in, after seeing her face.

"Scorpio, I wanted to tell you, I really did..."

"When?!" He reacted angrily. "If we lived? Or maybe I'd have died so you didn't have to tell me! So then I'd die not knowing any of it!"

"Scorpio, calm down - "

"No, Leo! I'm sorry, but I have to distance myself from her and if that means joining later or maybe not even joining up, then so be it!" He turned on his heels and went upstairs.

I instantly followed him. "I'll speak to him," me and Aqua said at the same time.

She sheepishly looked away, while I looked confused, but then I also turned on my heels and followed Scorpio.

I didn't know what the others were doing, but I heard footsteps outside. Probably just waiting for me to calm Scorpio down and get him back on the team.

I got to the bedroom and heard nothing.

"Scorpio," I said softly. I listened. No reply. I sighed and tried to quietly push open the door.

It worked and I slowly approached Scorpio who was on the other side of the bed, facing away from me.

"You okay?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

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