Chapter 35: Gemini

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We were doing pretty well, until Red came along. I was flying about, doing some damage and she used her blazing sword to pluck me from the sky!

Red was obviously a captain, as she stood at the helm of one of the brigs, shouting instructions at all her crew members, and ordering us lot to surrender. Naturally, we declined and I decided to go and set her arse right. Unfortunately, I would find out that she was one powerful foe.

I flew to her ship and landed behind her. Two Sorcerers stood close to her, turned around and smiled at me. The captain stood watching in front of her. How rude, I thought, grinning to myself.

"Void Pulse!" One shouted. I jumped out of the way and the other launched himself at me.

"Dragon Rage!" Green energy surrounded his fist and I flew a little higher to where he couldn't reach me. I laughed at them and they both shouted one spell, "Fury Wave!"

It was lucky that I was nimble, as the red waves kept pouring forth and I was somehow avoiding them. "Okay, you're now annoying me," I muttered. "Ice Storm!" I raised my left hand, that had ice forming it and I them pointed the palm of it towards the Sorcerers.

Streams of icicles poured out of my hand and was launched at the Sorcerers. The Sorcerers jumped out of the way, but the ship's deck was freezing up. It wouldn't take long before I stepped on it and the whole thing would collapse. Unfortunately, the Sorcerers still wanted a fight.

They looked at me menacingly and started shouting Spells in hope that I would land.

It worked.

One of their spells hit me in the back and I was sent hurtling to the ground. Luckily, my quick reflexes saved me as I caught myself just in time. I stood on the deck and faced the Sorcerers who were smiling now.

"Void Pulse!"

"Shadow Orb!

"Icicle Spears!" I put my hand forward and several spears made of ice advanced toward them. They quickly shut off their Spells and leaped to avoid my Spell. "Ice Shards!" In the air around them, I made the raindrops become small icicles and they were launched at the Sorcerers.

They didn't stand a chance.

I was done with them, and thought Red ignoring was seriously rude. I ran up behind her and tapped her shoulder. She turned nonchalantly and I said, "Were you expecting me at all?"

"Yes, I was. You coming here was much easier than me finding you. Now, time to die!" She quickly slashed her sword horizontally and I instinctively leapt back. Unfortunately, she still had cut my skin and a line of blood appeared on my stomach.

"You're serious," I acknowledged, putting on a cocky face.

"Very," she said, laughing manically. She charged towards me, her sword raised and I leapt back again. "Running are we? That's not befitting of a Zodiac, or is it!? Who knows with you scum!" She spat.

"Calm down," I motioned.

This didn't work.

"I will calm down when you die!" She yelled, slashing at me again. I dodged the diagonal strike, and she spun around and tried to cut me in half horizontally. I ducked under the blade and shouted, "Tornado Strike!"

Around us a tornado appeared on her ship, her thrust into the middle of it. She came out of the top, but the wind held her there, striking her with its sheer force. She yelled in pain and I jumped in the tornado. I moved in it like a fish swims in water, and quickly caught up to her.

"Hurricane Beat!" I yelled. My speed increased tenfold and I quickly started string her form all directions. Every second at least ten of my punches struck her and when she had the strength to swing her blade at me, I was already behind her, striking her some more.

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