Chapter 24: Sagittarius

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"Demon Fury!" A Sorcerer shouted at me. I ducked low, under a small part of wall that had been broken off. I heard him approaching, checking to see if I had been hit. Big mistake babe, big mistake.

"Lava Flux!" Molten lava erupted from my hand trapped him in a burning cage. He screamed in agony. I responded with ending the poor mans life. He wouldn't recover from the injury. I just knew it.

So far, my job seemed quite easy. I could easily ambush three or four and win with my mastery over the different Paths. However, Magic does take its toll and at that moment in time, I was ready to sit down. Unfortunately, I couldn't because I was being shot at. A energy burst hit my foot and I shrieked.

"Aim a little higher, it might actually hurt!" I shouted trying to put on bravado. I ran and made a sharp left behind a stone wall and the shooting stopped. Obviously the Sorcerer was a noob, because he walked up to the corner where I was standing and looked around.

"You're so clever," I muttered. "Infernal Wave!" A flame wave erupted from my hands and struck him in the chest. It burned through him and I saw his skin, now red and blistered. He screamed in agony and fell on the floor. I felt bad, but knew I shouldn't, he was a bad guy, wasn't he? He was evil and twisted, I thought to myself, trying to make myself feel better.

I didn't want to kill him, so I just ran.

I went back through a hidden tunnel, that allowed me to leave the prison in the first place. I entered the courtyard immediately saw the chaos. I saw Magicians fighting Sorcerers, with spells firing everywhere. I saw body's motionless on the floor, while others were in agony with no limbs. It was a dreadful sight.

But, I did see Aries, Scorpio and Pisces fighting their hearts out. Pisces clearly had mastered lightning, while Aries was just unleashing destruction. Scorpio was easily outclassing them. He created fields of Sense Sensation and wiped out the Sorcerers with one clean sweep.

Unfortunately, I knew that they wouldn't last long, exerting all their power like this. I ran down to help, the Sorcerers on the outside weren't important, helping my friends was. I abandoned my post, that may be true, but, I was always bad with commitment.

"Magma Cannon!" Aries shouted. Fire appeared in his mouth and he fired a beam of magma at the Sorcerers. Some dodged, but Pisces picked them up.

"Thunder Gun!" A stream of lightning erupted from his hands and was launched at the enemy. The Sorcerer went flying. But, Pisces was also struck in the back by a cheap shot.

"Pisces!" I screamed. He cried out and fell.

"Bastard! Scorpion's Sting!" Scorpio head butted the Sorcerer who had stabbed Pisces. He went flying into Aries who kicked him in the chest. "Magma Cannon!" He shouted and burnt a hole right through him. The Sorcerer stopped screaming when I got to them.

"Pisces!" I screamed again. I knelt beside him, along with Scorpio. Another man, missing a few teeth and had grey eyes with a bald head defended us from incoming attacks. Had he been Pisces's friend?

"Damn, don't worry...I'm okay. Water can...heal me you...know. But, I'm gonna...need to get to Cancer...or Virgo," he said, wincing in pain after every few words. He breathed heavily and pointed to the sky. I thought he had died.

"No!" I shouted and let out a frustrated cry. Pisces had been like a little brother to me, being nice to me, always playful and always making me feel better with his weird fantasies. I couldn't let him die like this. Scorpio also let out a frustrated noise, while Aries screamed as loudly as he could.

"I'm..not....dead, you...stupid....noobs. I'm saying....look.....look up!" He kept panting. Scorpio started to conjure water and heal his wound. Me and Aries looked up and saw Gemini fall. Aquarius was too weak and knelt beside Virgo, while Libra was nowhere to be found.

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