Chapter 14: Capricorn

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I was so sure that the first day of school would be the best. After all, a year with education - what a dream come true. But after the events of what happened, I was starting to hate what would be happening this year...

So, I woke up earlier than everyone else and quickly got ready for school. I had brought my uniform with me, of course, and I was getting ready to change, when someone knocked on my door. I found this annoying, so ignored them. They knocked again. Seriously, what is with the others? Why are they annoying me so early? I had thought.

"Go away Scorpio, or Leo or whoever you are," I said wearing my pants. "I don't need your bullshit jokes in the morning, I have important matters that I need to attend do," I calmly carried on wearing my school trousers. 

"I'm not Scorpio or Leo," said a voice that made my heart skip a beat. Virgo!! I was such a idiot about what happened yesterday night.... Shit! Yesterday night.... Lucy was gonna kill me! I remembered her and in that moment I wished the kiss had never happened between me and Virgo.

"Sorry Virgo," I said nicely. "I thought you were one of the annoying ones."

"It doesn't matter Capricorn," she replied shyly. Yeah, she remembered last night. I don't wanna reveal anything, but I seriously hope she doesn't get pregnant. Not after what I did. To her, to myself, but most importantly to Lucy. She would be heartbroken after she heard what had happened. 

"Can I come in?" She asked. I had finished putting on my uniform, so I agreed and unlocked the door. She walked in and I must say, she looked good in the uniform. It suited her normally introverted personality.

"Hey," I said to her face to face. Gosh, she was cute. Stay focused Capricorn! Lucy is the one you love, you know that blonde babe no one thought you'd be able to 'pull?'

"Hi," Virgo smiled. Jeez, it was getting harder and harder to stay focused. Virgo - in a white shirt, with a red tie, complete with a low skirt, leggings and boots- was simply sexy. I immediately went red. She obviously noticed.

"So, Capricorn, I need help waking the others. I was sure you were awake, so can you help me?" She asked me, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Just leave them as they are. It's not our fault if they fail in life, is it?" I laughed. I know, what a idiot trying to be funny. I wasn't a Comeback King like Scorpio, or a Heavy Disser like Aries or a generally funny guy like Leo (though he was as good at dissing as the other two). Maybe learning to diss, would help me achieve the Art of Funniness.

"Hey, I don't want them to fail in life. I like them - they are our friends, aren't they?" She asked, looking distraught after my 'sly' insult. I knew I wasn't funny. Seriously, for a guy with a girlfriend, I was horrible around girls.

"Oh yeah, don't worry, I was just joking. You know, the thing Leo, Aries and Scorpio seem to be so good at," I replied smiling nervously. This conversation was quickly becoming a train wreck. Just agree to the damn thing already!

"Yeah, don't worry though, I'll do it." Nice save, I thought.

"Okay, thanks Capricorn. See ya around," she said walking out of my room.

"See ya," I called after her. So, after that meaningful conversation I decided to wake up Aries. He was 'sharing' a bedroom with Gemini. Apparently, they had to act like a husband and wife. I still thought the dare was stupid.

I knocked on their door and when no one answered I opened the door. I normally wasn't this impatient, but I needed to get to school dammit! When I walked in, I could see why it was 'honeymoon' bedroom. Inside, it was dark with a few lit candles positioned around the room. In the middle of the room, far back against the wall, was a king sized bed, which was heart shaped and had curtains around it.

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