Chapter 33: Leo

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Above is the Sorcerers, except they have more colour on their spirals and they have headbands as well. Thank ALL of you guys who decided to read my book. We have 1.71k READS! I'm so happy!

"There they are!" Cap shouted from the helm. I looked to where he was pointing and saw Scorpio's team approaching. Thanks goodness, I thought. The Sorcerers were starting to give us some trouble.

But, I couldn't look weak in front of everyone. Not when the whole world depended on us!

"It's making me fired up!" I shouted, flames surrounding both my hands. "Let's go!" I shouted, running towards the Sorcerers and engaging in hand to hand combat. Most Sorcerers and Magicians used magic and so relied on their mental power.

I however, focused on my physical strengths so I could fight close quarters and combine my magic with my body alerts for even more destruction! Pretty clever, ain't it? After all, I am Leo, King Of The World. Make sure you remember that.

I punched a Sorcerer and he went flying back. One tried to strike me from behind, but I turned quickly and shouted, "Lions Brilliance!" He was blinded in midair and I leapt up and shouted, "Fire Tornado!" My right leg swung in a arc and was encircled by flames.

I kicked the Sorcerer in the chest and the flames left my leg and took him through a wall. And then, as all Lions
(well, cats, but they're basically the same thing) do, I landed back on my feet.

"That was easy," I said turning around to see how many were left. My cocky smile dropped as I saw quite a number of them. "Whys my life so hard?" I muttered to myself, as I charged back into the fray.

"Void Pulse!"

"Shadow Orb!"

The spells were shot at me quickly and I barley had time to dodge them. Lucky for me, I was pretty great, so avoided them without a scratch. The Sorcerers who shot the spells at me, well, they wouldn't be dodging my moves.

"Solar Shower!" I shouted. In my hand I formed a miniature sun, which moved and grew in size.  I threw it in the air and it exploded, millions of small stars and fire balls, that exploded on contact, being launched at my enemies.

One Sorcerer was hurt, while the other raised a shield with Shadow Guard. Easy, I thought when I saw his shield.

"Lion's Brilliance!" I shouted. He was blinded, evident as he lowered his guard for a few seconds. That was all I needed to finish him off.

"Lions Halberd!" A massive spear like weapon formed in my right hand I threw it at him. Unluckily for him, it pierced his chest and blew up. His remains were scattered over about fifty meters.

Is this really you?

Crap, I thought. The stupid voices had appeared in a middle of a battle. I clutched my temple with my right hand and stood completely still, ignoring everything and everyone around me. When the voices appeared, the doubt and the pain also came.

Do you really want to kill them? They could have been brainwashed, like Jackie had been, and you could've offered them a chance at redemption.

But, they would've killed me...

But, did you have to kill them? You could have spared his life, yet you chose to end it. Is this a leader? Someone who decides to treat lives like they are worth nothing? Someone who completely disregards others?

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