Chapter 31: Scorpio

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"Haha, Cancer, I won the dare!" I glared at him, mischievousness in my eyes.

"Y-y-yeah, I know Scorpio, but, can you cut me some slack this time?" I loved the sound of someone begging me to ease up. It made my job a lot more profitable.

"Maybe, but you'll have to do certain things, to, you know, make me ease up on my final dare!" I laughed evilly, laughing at my own pun. You see, Cancer didn't believe that I could go easy on someone or let them win. That was proved false, when I let Gemini beat me.

Oh shit, I just realised. Gemini.....beat....ME! I hung my head in shame. I put my arm on the wall and couldn't bare to look up at...her.

"Scorpio, w-what's wrong?"

"Nothing. But if you really do wanna know, look that way," I said, pointing at Gemini, who was dancing around screaming she had beat me.

"Well, whatever, trainings done. And you're gonna have to live with the fact that Gemini beat you!!!" Leo then started laughing, much to my dismay. Damn him! I'd get him back for that. I just need to strike when the moment is opportune.

Me, Libra, Gemini, Cancer and Leo (take that Leo! You were last on my list!) stood with one another and blue light surrounded us. Instantly, we were whisked back to our world.

"My head always feels dizzy doing that," I murmured. I rubbed the side of my temple and saw Leo clutching his. "Why are you copying me?"

"I'm not copying you," he said, turning to look at me.

"Yeah, you are," I coldly said back.

"No, I'm not," he coolly replied.

"Are to!" I shouted, getting in his face.

"Am not!" He replied, shouting into mine.

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"You win!"

"Am....what did you say?" He saw my starry eyes and my awestruck expression. He turned to see what I was looking at and gave a gasp of surprise.

"Guys, you're - "

"Taurus, you're here!" I shouted cutting him off. He glared daggers at me, but I didn't care. I ran towards here, my arms outstretched. I'm sure she would've hugged me back, but she was holding a bloodied Capricorn. Looking closely at her, she was also quite bloody. Maybe I'd save my hug for later...

"Taurus, Cap, you're here!" I shouted, jumping in the air, mainly for Taurus.

"I'm here to," someone else called; it was Aquarius.

"Yeah, but you're minor," Leo replied jokingly. Aqua gave half a laugh and then started to stare at me. What's her problem? I thought.

"Aqua, stop staring at me," I straight up told her. She looked at the ground and nodded. Well, that was one way to get someone to stop looking at you.

"So, now we're all here," Leo said. "I've been waiting a year for this, and I tell you, it's been a long one. Guys, as I was the first one to come and the first one to realise we had to save the world - "

"Shut up Leo! No one cares what you think! You think you're bloody the main protagonist or something, always acting like a leader. You think you're better than us all, just because we ran out and you didn't! But, we're all here now, aren't we? They complete the Zodiacs and together, we're gonna save the damn WOLRD!" Aries raised his hand and we all cheered.

"No one cares what I think? Shut up Leo! That's how you started your damn speech?!" Leo looked outraged.

"Leo, I didn't mean anything by it dude, I just meant - "

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